I think it would be cool, to have more options for saved Filters like chaining different different filter-parameter. Aditionally a dynamic Today option, which follows the actual today date) for the Due-Date would be nice.
Example UseCase:
Having a Saved Filter named Today, that includes all Todos that are due today from the private Namespaces and all Todos that are assigned to me from the shared Lists.
I have a namespace with my private todos and a second namespace, that is shared with some collegues. On the shared list tasks are assigned to the different Members. On my private List I currently do not assign the Tasks to me as I’m the only Person able to access this list (im assigned implicitly).
I think it would be cool to have a saved Filter called Today which is pulling all due-tasks from my private list (where all Tasks are implicitly assigned to me) and all tasks from the shared List that are explicitly assigned to me. So the filter has to have two different internal filters connected together.
Something like this:
Show all Tasks that are due today from my_private_namespace OR Show all Tasks that are due today and are assigned to me from shared namespace.
I see. I think I understand the use case but that would be a very complicated addition (not only on the api side but on the frontend/ux side as well). Maybe worth adding at some point in the future. I don’t see it happening any time soon though. (That is, unless you’re willing to put a PR together
Since dynamic dates are now implemented (yay!) there are just a few things more to have perfect filters in Vikunja:
Editing bugs: If I try to edit an existing filter, the conditions are all reset and the List filter option does not appear even
Better conditionals:
Negative conditions: Search tasks in all lists except these 2 for example (this great for people that have a lot of lists)
Add or and and conditions. This solves a lot of problems, I can give an example: Today’s work tasks: I want to filter tasks which are on #PhD or #Work but that have due dateorstart date.
Currently I can only select to either have those tasks filtered for today based on their due date or on their start date. If I select the two, these conditions apply at the same time and only a tiny fraction of my tasks will have this condition
Other apps which have implemented this right: Tasks.org and Todoist:
Tasks: The way to construct filter’s there is with or , and etc selecting each variable (due date, tag, list, etc). It can also have two concurrent conditions for each filter
Todoist: Todoist uses a more basic approach like 7 days & #Work & Assigned to: Mary Smith
Ideally, I’d like to implement something like meilisearch’s filters. An easy way to achieve this would be to implement a pass-through into Vikunja which leaves parsing and evaluating the filter to meilisearch. A downside to this approach would be the additional dependency when you want to host Vikunja.
Added a task to the backlog to fix the editing a filter bug.
Thanks for the reply @kolaente. The meilisearch implementation might be a bit overkill due to complicating the installation process I think. Couldn’t the current implementation support not conditionals ? If so, this would solve the problem !
The current implementation could support not conditions, but it would make everything more complex and probably even worse to use than it already is. Ideally I’d like to implement something like meilisearch’s conditions but without the additional dependency.
Is there a way to use the “Created” and “Updated” dates in filters? I am trying to list e.g. all stale entries that were added over 30 days ago but haven’t been updated in the last 7 days.
I have to concur this is a vital feature!
I would like to see all tasks in a few projects which I manage, and all tasks assigned to me anywhere.
And another view with all unassigned tasks plus all tasks assignment to me.
Since the current filters are essentially very in-depth AND filters, I think a good workaround would be the ability to combine multiple of these with a simple OR. Not as convenient, but makes almost anything possible.
I would really like to see the logical operators implemented. I used to use GTD before Vikunja,
I use labels as contexts and have saved filters for them… and i.e. something like NOT in “Someday/Maybe” list or label would be a great thing for the wonderful saved filters.
Wow, that is super embarrassing. I have been using vikunja for more than 2 years but I only have a handful of namespaces. I’ve only use that page a handful of times – I only go to the sidebar menu to change namespaces.
I think you should be able to save a filter wherever you can create one.
I was thinking there should be “Apply” and “Save & Apply” buttons on the filter pop-up on the list page, but then I realized there are no buttons at all there. It just seems weird to me that you have to go to a completely different page to save the filter, and then come back to the original list to see it applied.
Perhaps a “Save” checkbox and a “Name” text field at the top or bottom of the filter pop-up?
Also, I think we should be able to save filters for a single namespace or list project hierarchy, and not necessarily globally, because they don’t always make sense across all namespaces or lists projects. Similar to my argument for “local” labels.