Trello Import Issues

I ran it again today on the latest unstable version but it didn’t work. I saw the same Ran all migrations successfully log message as reported in my last post though. Is there anything else I can do to debug it?
Here is the log for the last run, if that helps you figuring out what the problem might be :slight_smile:

There seems to be some error here: vikunja/trello.go at main - vikunja - Gitea
I’ve set my logs to debug mode and the last thing it says is: [Trello Migration] Downloading card attachment
No Downloaded card attachment like it usually says come after that and no further trello migration logs happen after this point other than saying Ran all migrations successfully.
It seems to say that it ran successfully because it doesn’t log the error at this point: vikunja/trello.go at main - vikunja - Gitea which is the problem here I think. Well, next to the problem that it apparently crashes at some point, but once we know the error I hope we can also fix this crash. I’ll create a PR to log the error.

I was able to figure out the issue. It seems like it is downloading so many things and keeping it in memory that the system is running out of memory and the download fails or something similar.
I think the best option to work around this is to add support for selecting the projects or workspaces from that trello that you want to import.

Edit: Disregard my PR, I just didn’t understand how the Go error handling works.

Ookay, sorry for the long monologues here, but I’ve finally figured it out.
I implemented the organization based migration process that puts every board under its own parent project like we’ve discussed before. This circumvents the problems with the memory limitation as it will push all the data into Vikunja after each project is migrated. I’ve tested it and it seems to work well from what I can see. I’ve also updated the trello test. Let me know if that works @kolaente

The log message only means database migrations, not imports from other services. In the latter case, there should be a log message starting with [Migration] Successfully done migration…
Since the database migrations happen on every start of Vikunja, if you’re seeing the message about database migrations, that could indicate Vikunja crashed and was restarted by docker. You could check the container uptime so see if that matches the timestamp of that log message.

Unfortunately, when Vikunja crashes mid-way through a migration, it won’t be able to recover.

That could very well be a problem. Does it make a difference if you comment out the attachment handling? The task data should not take up as much space, since that’s mostly text (even though it can get large in therms of text, but that shouldn’t be a problem)

From glancing over it, looks good! Will take a proper look tomorrow.

Yeah makes sense.

I didn’t check but I would very much assume so!


Many thanks for pointing to the unstable release! I can confirm that the import of Trello only works with the unstable release and not with the latest stable release.


@kolaente I’m closing this now, as I’ve figured out all the issues I had with tweaks to the importer which I’ll open PR(s) for as well as some custom code interacting with the api/db directly.

In my time I’ve also written down several nice to have features that I’ll open feature requests for.

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