Hi, like probably many others my team is trying to migrate from Trello to Vikunja (which is looking great btw!).
I’m trying to self-host Vikunja but I’m having an issue where the Trello import doesn’t seem to do anything.
My steps:
(I tried this with both https:/ /vikunja.mydomain.org and http:/ /localhost:3456)
Note: I replaced https:// with https:/ / as my new account isn’t allowed to post more than 2 links.
I created a docker-compose.yml file:
version: '3'
image: vikunja/vikunja
VIKUNJA_SERVICE_PUBLICURL: https:/ /vikunja.mydomain.org
VIKUNJA_SERVICE_JWTSECRET: <a super secure random secret>
- 3456:3456
- ./files:/app/vikunja/files
- ./config.yml:/etc/vikunja/config.yml
condition: service_healthy
restart: unless-stopped
image: mariadb:10
command: --character-set-server=utf8mb4 --collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci
MYSQL_USER: vikunja
- ./db:/var/lib/mysql
restart: unless-stopped
test: ["CMD-SHELL", "mysqladmin ping -h localhost -u $$MYSQL_USER --password=$$MYSQL_PASSWORD"]
interval: 2s
start_period: 30s
And a config.yml file to house the trello config (I mounted this to /etc/vikunja in the compose yml):
# Whether to enable the trello migrator or not
enable: true
# The client id, required for making requests to the trello api
# You need to register your vikunja instance at https:/ /trello.com/app-key (log in before you visit that link) to get this
key: mykey
# The url where clients are redirected after they authorized Vikunja to access their trello cards.
# This needs to match the url you entered when registering your Vikunja instance at trello.
# This is usually the frontend url where the frontend then makes a request to /migration/trello/migrate
# with the code obtained from the trello api.
# Note that the vikunja frontend expects this to end on /migrate/trello.
redirecturl: https:/ /vikunja.mydomain.org/migrate/trello
Then I executed the commands
mkdir $PWD/files
chown 1000 $PWD/files
sudo docker-compose up -d
I created a user, logged in and went to the import settings and selected Trello.
Then was redirected to the Trello page (where I’ve previously gotten my key from and added my https:/ /vikunja.mydomain.org to the whitelist.
I was redirected back to Vikunja which said
Vikunja will now import your lists/projects, tasks, notes, reminders and files from Trello. As this will take a while, we will send you an email once done. You can close this window now.
I’ve waited but didn’t see any changes, and because there are no other indications on the website that something is going on or failing I don’t know what to do.
If it helps, I saw that there were some api requests in the docker logs, like:
GET 200 /api/v1/migration/trello/auth
POST 200 /api/v1/migration/trello/migrate
GET 200 /api/v1/migration/trello/status
I also got an email from Trello that I have authorized Vikunja Migration to my account.
Is there any other info that I could check?
Some additional suggestions I had in case you’re interested:
If possible I think it would be very helpful for new people trying Vikunja if the documentation about migration would be expanded or made more obvious. At the start, I wasn’t even aware that there is a Trello import. There is https:/ /vikunja.io/docs/config-options/ and some posts here which I used to eventually figured out how to enable the Trello import, but a dedicated setup documentation page listing the steps necessary would be great to have (especially since I assume a lot of people will look into migrating from Trello in the near future). Also a link to the documentation on the /migrate page wouldn’t hurt imo.
The Trello import looks like it will import all Trello projects that you have. I think some sort of way to select what you want to import specifically would be great. Maybe even something where you don’t have to connect your Trello account but instead you can just import the JSON file that you can export from every Trello board. Though I’m also looking to import image attachments from Trello to Vikunja, which is probably not something a JSON importer could do without connecting the Trello account because the JSON export just has links to Trello-hosted files which are usually only accessible when you’re logged in.