Hi !
I just opened my account and tried to import my data from Trello.
I got a message saying I had to wait for my data to be imported, but now I have no information about the process: has it started correctly? when will my data be available?
It would be nice to have some information about this, at least “your data is being imported”, to avoid multiple data imports.
Thanks for your work,
Edit : sorry i’ve post it here but maybe Feature Discussion is more appropriate ?
I still have no news of my importation after 3 days, i’ve try a new one this morning but still nothing actually. Are we sure that Trello importation works correctly ? I find nothing about it on the forum.
I’ve just checked this again, and it worked fine for me. I wasn’t able to find any errors about a migration from your account logged. Were you using https://vikunja.cloud/ to start the migration?
I’ve try two times, from https://app.vikunja.cloud/migrate/trello, but i didn’t see anything imported yet.
When I authorize Vikunja to access my Trello account, I see the information about my 3 boards, then that I’ll be notified by email when the import is done - but still no news, I’ve also checked my spam.
Hi, sorry for the delay. I’m currently looking into it, it seems like this only happened to new accounts which never migrated before - that was why I wasn’t able to reproduce it in my tests.
I’ll keep you updated.
I made another attempt, I haven’t received the email yet so maybe it’s still in progress, but there seems to be a bug, or maybe it reactivated all the migrations I tried to run before(?) :
It looks like there was a broken background file in one of your Trello boards which caused the migration to fail as a whole. This is now fixed and should not be happening anymore - please try again.
It should take only a few minutes, please report back if you didn’t get a mail about a complete migration after that.
Hello, since the recent announcement of the upcoming limitations of free Trello workpsaces, we started experimenting with open-source alternatives (as a nonprofit we have very limited funding for paid SaaS services, but have volunteers supporting self-hosted solutions), and so far Vikunja seems to be the best replacement, we am really impressed by it overall.
Our only concert is the Trello migration issue - at first it did not worked (just a notification that it will send an email but it did not happen, no errors or anything migration related in the logs) - this was fixed by switching to the unstable version. But, the card descriptions are migrated in raw markdown formatting, which is kind of a blocker for us. I see that this is already mentioned on the public roadmap, just wanted to emphasize that this is our pain point currently - and potentially a lots of users that will start looking for Trello alternatives in the coming weeks.