New Filter Query Ssytem on the Vikunja Cloud

Hi @kolaente .

first of all, thank you for your great work on the projekt. I started using Vikunja a couple of days ago and I enjoy it a lot! I was looking for a foss alternative to all the other big services like todoist and Vikunja delivers.

In my use case, I came to a point where the standard filters are not enough anymore. That’s when I saw your update on the demo-account. When would it be possible to update this feature on the paid cloud service too?

Please add sections into filtering in a future update. As example, I created a filter “Plan my next day”. In there I want four filtered sections like in the Eisenhower Matrix. For this I created the labels “Important” and “Urgent” and the filter querry could look like this:

(labels="Important" && labels="Urgent"), (labels="Important" && labels!="Urgent"), (labels!="Important" && labels="Urgent"), (labels!="Important" && labels!="Urgent")

Each comma separates one section in the Filter. Every section gets a title from the querry, like:

Plan my next day

labels=“Important” && labels="Urgent

  1. Task
  2. Task

labels=“Important” && labels="!Urgent

  1. Task
  2. Task

For aesthetis I propose an additional element inside the query-syntax to set the section titles like discussed here .

Maybe like this:

(labels="Important" && labels="Urgent")@"Important And Urgent", (labels="Important" && labels!="Urgent")@"Important But Not Urgent", (labels!="Important" && labels="Urgent")@"Not Important But Urgent", (labels!="Important" && labels!="Urgent")@"Not Important And Not Urgent"

Plan my next day

Important And Urgent

  1. Task
  2. Task

Important But Not Urgent

  1. Task
  2. Task

This feature could greatly improve the way users can build there own use cases. Also, it declutters the list of filters as multiple filters can be summed up into one. This would make the UI clearer and faster to use.

Thanks for the nice words!

The update will get to Vikunja Cloud once the next Vikunja version is released. There are a bunch of bugs left, it should not take that long (but I’ve been saying that for a while now).

With the next version, you will be able to do something like that with a custom kanban view - that will let you “generate” each bucket based on a filter.