This is my first time trying the product, and I have to say, it looks very well done, I can’t wait to play with it more.
I’ve seen a few bugs similar to this with Gantt, but I haven’t found anything quite like this. I was able to reproduce this on Try.
Today is April 8
Create a task with a start date of April 11 and an end date of April 15.
View Gantt chart
Default settings have a time range from March 24 to May 8.
My task shows up under March 10-14
Firefox 99.0
Windows 10
Testing this on Edge, it shows up in April, but still the 10th through the 14th.
Very interesting you’re able to reproduce this on try, because I’m not:
(In Firefox 97 on Linux)
(The date is still wrong since it is showing up on the 10th, not on the 11th, but it’s not showing up in march…)
Even in Browserstack on Windows 10 and Firefox 99 it seems to work fine (except for the background color of the task):
I think you’re hitting a variant of this: Gantt display wrong
What locale and time zone is your browser set to?
Yea, that seemed to be the closest match, but mine wasn’t related to months with 30 or 31 days etc, so I wasn’t sure.
I’m not aware of browsers having their own locale/timezone settings, but my desktop is set to Eastern Time (UTC-5), normal English otherwise, nothing fancy that I know of.
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I’ll try to reproduce this with a vm but I don’t have high hopes, given how I wasn’t able to do so in the other thread…
Would you mind checking every now and then if it is different? To see if maybe there’s a pattern where it works on some days and won’t work on other days?
Sure, I’ll be happy to try and keep an eye on things. Is there any sort of browser debugging I could capture that might help you out?
Otherwise, seriously impressive tool. I’d love to try and use it at work for my team of 3, but it would be a hard sell without LDAP authentication. I showed it to them, and we all like this way better than Jira for tracking 
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I’ve also uploaded a video recording, in case it helps at all.
Thanks for the kind words 
Is there a difference if you open the gantt view for a list without any tasks?