Various sorting/filtering issues

Any assistance would be appreciated!

  • Sorting by anything apart from ID seems completely broken on my saved view until I refresh the page
  • Setting a Saved Filter on the Overview page shows no items

Maybe my user error?

  • I don’t see a way to sort tasks on the “List” view. Am I missing something?
  • Is there a way to save view settings (sort, visible columns) across browsers?

Hi, which version of Vikunja are you running?

I’m running version 0.24.2.

Are you talking about the table view?

But the filter shows items? Can you reproduce this on try?

You can sort the tasks manually via drag and drop, but other sorting mechanisms are not (yet) supported.

Currently, there’s no way to do that.

Are you talking about the table view?


But the filter shows items? Can you reproduce this on try?

Yes and yes. The Overview page shows “Nothing to do — Have a nice day!” but the filter view shows plenty of items when opened. On Safari or Firefox.

Thanks for the reply!

Did you make sure that only the fields you want to sort by are enabled? By default, the ID field is selected and you need to unselect it first, otherwise it will always sort by that.

There’s an issue about this already: Saved Filter on Overview Page Not Working · Issue #289 · go-vikunja/vikunja · GitHub