After moving a task between buckets within a Kanban view for a Saved Filter, it gets reset back to its original location when the page is refreshed. No error is shown. I don’t have this issue with Projects, just Saved Filters. This issue exists in 0.24.3 and 0.24.4 but not 0.24.2. I was able to replicate it on
To replicate:
In the Kanban view of the Saved Filter, move a task from one bucket to another by dragging. It correctly appears in the new bucket.
Click on a different view or project.
When you go back to the Kanban view of the Saved Filter, the task is back in its original bucket.
I absolutely love the concept of having Kanban views across multiple boards - it fits my workflow perfectly and no other task application, FOSS or not, has this feature that I know of. If there’s any support or information I can provide, please let me know. In the meantime, I’ll stay on v0.24.2. Thanks!
I’m not able to reproduce this on try since the update in October, but I’m still getting some strange behavior on unstable (28b1bb824a, released on Nov. 23). I may try to create a new instance to see if I can create reproducible steps as I imagine this will be very hard to troubleshoot otherwise.
In case anyone else observes or has seen similar behavior, I’ll share what I’m seeing below in the meantime.
From a Saved Filter Kanban view, drag a task to a new position (same column or different column). Result: In the task_positions table, the position is updated but the row is duplicated to as many as 5 times.
Edit the Saved Filter definition. Without changing anything, hit save. Result: The duplicated rows from the prior step are still present, but tons of new rows are added with position at zero. Some of these tasks are shown in the first column. Some of the new tasks with position of zero belong to other users, but these tasks are not shown. For my table, this increases the number of rows in task_positions from 129 to 274 when filtering by project_view_id=260. (Perhaps the issue is related to the number of tasks?)
Repeat step 1 for the same result as before. The zero position tasks are still present.
Continue repeating step 1. Result: The tasks with a position of zero from step 2 disappear, both the ones visible in the UI and the ones not visible in the UI - even if they were moved and no longer had a position of zero.
I think I found part of the bug. The creation of many unrelated items in task_positions is now fixed in 25fd0f6108 - please check with the next unstable build.
Thanks for the super fast response! I’m still able to reproduce the duplicate rows in the task_positions table, which may or may not be related to the other issues I was having with tasks disappearing from Saved Filters.
Steps to reproduce the duplicate rows in task_positions table:
Create new Vikunja instance using Docker unstable tag and MariaDB. My version is the one mentioned above, 25fd0f6108. I verified this from the “About” window in the web UI.
Create two tasks from the list view of the default project, Inbox.
From Inbox’s Kanban view, rearrange the tasks so that task #1 is above task #2.
After completing this, task_positions has 4 identical rows for task 1.
After some experimenting, I figured out the number of identical rows (4 in the above example) is tied to the number of views for the project. 2 views = 2 identical rows. 1 view = no identical rows.
Thanks for the reproduction steps! I was kind of able to reproduce it, but not reliably. I’ve pushed a fix in b3c93ae811, please check with the next unstable build if that fixes the problem for you.
The prior fix resolves the duplicate issue perfectly - thank you! I was able to do more investigation on the tasks disappearing and losing their bucket. I have very repeatable steps below, although they’re a little strange. The issue only occurs when there are more than 50 tasks shown, startDate is part of the Saved Filter definition, and tasks are rearranged enough times. The steps below reproduce the problem, but I’ve had tasks also lose their bucket position during my normal usage as well.
Create a new Vikunja instance. I tested this with 01c84be945 on 2 of my machines and try, which had the same version. All machines had the same result described below.
Create at least 51 tasks.
Create a new Saved Filter with the definition done = false && startDate <= now.
Add a second bucket in the Kanban view. Move all tasks to this bucket. This will require refreshing the page to get more tasks in the first bucket. I left task #1 in the 1st position at the top of the second bucket. Refresh the browser again.
Move the 2nd task to the 3rd position within bucket 2 (image below). Repeat this for a total of exactly 50 times. Yes, this is swapping the position of the same two tasks again and again. Regardless of the number of tasks, exactly 50 times is required on both of my computers and on try, although try required a pause between each move.
Then, refresh the browser. Tasks 1 through X disappear where X is the number of tasks included in the Kanban view minus 50. If you refresh before reaching 50, you’ll have to restart, but you won’t have to do all 50.
Edit the Saved Filter, don’t make any changes, then hit save. The tasks that disappeared reappear in the first bucket instead of the second. In task_positions, the position of these tasks is zero.