Overdue Tasks in Overview

The list in the overview should have two parts:

  1. All tasks with a due date, sorted from soon (or overdue) at the top to those with a due date in the future at the bottom.
  2. After that, all other tasks without a due date, the newest (those which were created recently) at the top and the oldest at the bottom.

This is what it is doing on my personal instance which has a lot of tasks.

TBH, I’m not sure how I can help you since it’s not reproducible for me. Or maybe I just don’t understand?

Hi, thanks for your reply. I think you are understanding me perfectly fine :slight_smile:

I understand that its not reproducible for you, but i still need a fix :confused:
As stated above my tasks in overview are ordered the opposite of what you are describing. The Tasks furthest in the future are at the top and the ones overdue/soon are at the bottom.

I was thinking it might be possible to implement a check inside the database to order it the correct way. Aside from that do you have any idea what could be causing this behaviour?

Thanks for your effort

Edit: I have another Information - this Problem only appears on my user. New users in my Vikunja are ordered corretly

The tasks are not sorted in the db, only when querying them. You could enable the database log to debug to see the actual sql queries Vikunja executes and then try to see if the order is correct when you run those queries manually. If the order is correct in that case that would indicate something goes wrong in either the transmission to the client through the api response or in the frontend itself.

That is… interesting. Does it also happen if the new user has a lot of tasks? Does it happen if you share your lists with that new user?

Hi, I have almost the same problem as BS487, but at my installation the order is wrong for all users. Here is an example:

The same order also is in Upcoming view.

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And the same goes for the try.vikunja.io-Instance. So it seems a bug, which still exists since a lot of months!?


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No, it looks more like this was broken, then fixed and then broken again due to some refactoring. Should be fixed yet again in #1342 - WIP: feat: add date math for filters - frontend - Gitea.


Thanks for the fast and positive reply!