List view improvements

I would like to point a few functions that I believe it would improve vikunja functionality.

  • Have a line dividing tasks (for better visualization).

  • Show more info on mouse hover (when you position the mouse cursor over a task at list view, display notes and possible other useful information from that task).

  • Optionally, display due date only by days (I, personally, dont like the “due in X minutes”). Live “due today” or “due tomorrow” or “due in X days”. Better yet if you omit the “due” word and display the due date in another color like green if in the future and red if in the past (as it already is).

Welcome! :wave:

Wouldn’t that clutter the view when there are a lot of details on a task?

The thing here is the due date is always date and time. Vikunja does not have a concept of tasks being due on a day only, but there is an item for that on the roadmap.

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Yes, you are right. It might clutter the view if all info opens up at once, but I think not if its shown only the related information on hover over the little informative icon (like when you hover over due date). It could do the same for notes and repeating interval, for example.