Improving task edit (too many click)


As I said on another topic, I’ve just discovered Vikunja which I find very pleasant.

From my point of view, a little trick that could make the experience smoother would be to decrease the number of clicks and mouse movements needed to edit a task. For example, if I want to had a priority to a task which doesn’t have one, I’ve to click 3 times: on “set priority”, then on the field (after having to move the mouse cursor!), then on a priority. Perhaps a click on “set priority” could display the list of priorities at the same place?



I think there’s a few ways to make the ux smoother. Off the top of my head:

  • Adding a keyboard shortcut to set a priority (and other things, as there already exist for ex. for labels)
  • Automatically focus the priority dropdown when clicking on the button on the right
  • Using the quick add magic to set a priority directly when creating the task.

I’d like to keep the current setup with the action buttons on the right and the individual actions on the view. You couldn’t move them to the buttons because there still needs to be a way for them to display their current value.

Thank you for your reply.

Using the quick add magic to set a priority directly when creating the task.

It’s already possible using !x syntax, isn’t it?

(However, it could be cool to be able to use quick magic when editing task.)

However, it could be cool to be able to use quick magic when editing task.

That’s a cool idea I like that! :slight_smile: Should probably be easy to undo wrongly recognized fields which makes it a bit more tricky to implement then a simple “put the quick add magic logic inside the task detail view”

I think we could do that once we have something like todoist where it tells you what it recognized while entereing.

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The current edit Task button is at the bottom.
I have 1 suggestion to improve user experience.

Edit Task with 1 touch. (click).
Here’s a video of me recording the process of editing a Task Card on Trello.

keyboard shortcuts are always good :slight_smile:

but the ability to also use quick add magic as quick edit magic would be fantastic, maybe even directly from the task overview!

What would that look like?

A little pen next to the task title in the list which turns it into a textbox which accepts quick add magic

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I agree with improving this. Currently on the task editing page the following options require clicking the button first on the right side then adding the information which is a two or three step process

  • Labels
  • Priority
  • Progress
  • Color
  • User Assignment
  • Attachments
  • Relations
  • Due Date
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Reminders
  • Repeat Intervals

My proposal would be to remove these buttons and have these attributes already on the main page so that editing them can be just one click.

If clutter on the task editing screen is the primary concern you can have a settings page where you can enable which option you want to see on the task edit page, similar to how does it.

But i think removing the buttons and having the fields on the main page would significantly improve task creation and editing workflow.

Clutter is the main concern here. I don’t think a setting would work here, because most users will never look at the settings to discover the options they may be lacking.

I’m not sure how a bunch of buttons is more clutter than a bunch of options, some of which you may never use?

For me my main concern is the workflow. For pretty much every task i want to set a due date and label. And that takes about 3 clicks right now.

Just to add, a user would only need to know about and customize their options at least once, while users will be adding and editing tasks frequently for the entire time period they’re using the app. When you add and edit thousands of tasks over the life of your use of vikunja, all that time adds up.

I definitely agree with this, there is too much clicking around