I’m new to Vikunja (former Todoist and Nextcloud Tasks user). So far, I’m liking it a lot and exploring all the features. I’m put off a little, however, by there being mandatory times associated with due dates. For most of my tasks, I previously would just have a due date (no time), and if I looked at a task due today (for example) it would show as being due today/now.
In Vikunja, my tasks due today all show as overdue because I put 00:00 as the due time. I suppose I could use 23:59 as the due time, but then tasks I look at now would show as due X hours from now.
I think this would be useful in Gantt view, or in a calendar view (if that is ever added to Vikunja), but for the List and Kanban views (which incidentally are the ones that fit my workflow best), it’s not the behavior I would expect.
Just curious if I’m missing an option to make the due times optional.
So far, Vikunja does not have a concept of tasks being due “now” - they’re either overdue or or due in the future. What would a task being due “some time today” look like? Is that just a UI thing where it would show up as “due today” vs “due 15 hours ago”?
How do the other tools handle this?
Hi! Thanks for the reply!!! In other apps/services I’ve used, if you don’t use times, tasks show as “Due Tomorrow” or “Due on Tuesday”/“Due in 7 Days”. Of course, some people use times and that’s cool. My life just isn’t that organized so I’m lucky if I can manage to do most things on the day I plan to, let alone the hour. 
I have no issue if this is just the way Vikunja works; I’ll deal with it by making my tasks due at 23:59. Mostly this just impacts reminders because Tasks.org (which I have connected to Vikunja) only sends reminders at the start or due time (as far as I know). But I can work around this!
Have a good one!
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So it really is just a matter of how they are displayed in the application?
You should be able to set a time for reminders independently of the due date though.
You’ll get there 
Yes, really just how they’re displayed (i.e., since the task is due anytime during the day, it doesn’t show as overdue until the next day). In Tasks.org, you can pick a reminder time but that’s a few extra steps. I like how it automatically used to remind me at 9am of my tasks due that day.
Thanks for listening!