Install on normal hosting environment possible?


I just stumbeled over Vikunja and really like what I see so I thought I want to try to use/install it on my “normal hosting environment” where I can put files on my hosting account and have a mysql db for example.

But what I’ve read in the docs this isn’t possible, is it?

I need “an extra vps/server” where exclusively only runs vikunja on it?

I mean I can’t simply put files on my server to a subfolder and add a database and then navigate to that subfolder (like it is with joomla, wordpress, …).


Welcome! :wave:

Since you mentioned Joomla and Wordpress, I assume you mean a PHP-based webspace hosting. Vikunja does not use PHP but is built using Go, which compiles to a binary. You don’t need to have Go installed to run it, but need to run the binary somehow. You’ll need shell access, and then there are a bunch of ways to install it - check out the docs to learn more.

To clarify the difference: Traditional webspace hosting (like what you might use for Wordpress or Joomla) is typically set up to serve PHP files and provides a MySQL database, but doesn’t give you full server access. You can upload files via FTP and run PHP scripts, but that’s about it.

A VPS (Virtual Private Server) or dedicated server, on the other hand, gives you complete control over the system - it’s like having your own computer in the cloud. This means you can run any type of application, not just PHP-based ones. Since Vikunja needs to run as a continuous service (the binary needs to keep running), you need this kind of environment where you can actually run programs, not just serve files.

You don’t necessarily need a whole server just for Vikunja - you could run it alongside other applications on the same VPS. The key requirement is having the ability to run programs continuously, which isn’t possible with standard webspace hosting.

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If you mean, that you have only a terminal to work with, without any web GUI or similar:

I installed the binary on my own server with Fedora Linux 41 Cloud Edition, and it worked without any problems so far. Maybe this is also a possibility to try. :man_shrugging::thinking:

Documentation to install from binary

But as @executed already mentioned it, it should work without any big configurations or settings set on your own server or VPS.

Note: Did not needed to install any further dependencies with the binary. They already init.