Import Tasks from other APPs


it’s not possible to import Tasks from ToDoist nor Microsoft ToDo.
I’m in a loop and always fall back to this page

Importiere deine Daten von Todoist in Vikunja

Vikunja importiert alle Listen, Aufgaben, Notizen, Erinnerungen und Dateien, auf die du Zugriff hast.

Ermögliche Vikunja den Zugriff auf deinem Account bei Todoist, indem du auf die Schaltfläche unten klickst.

What can I do?
Frontend-Version: 0.21.0+181-c2005c6c71

API-Version: v0.21.0+100-f5ac3abb2a

I was unable to reproduce this. When did you last try it?

This looks like a bug in Vikunja which should be fixed now. Please try importing your tasks again.

Now it looks a little bit better.
I needed to remove the Vikunja Cloud integration from ToDoist and the process took a little bit more time.
At the end I was asked to refresh the side and I got a project called “Migrated from todoist”. But this is empty.

Can I support you with further information to debug this?

I deleted the video.

Dummy value to fill up to 20 chars. :slight_smile:

Do you now have projects with the same names as in Todoist?

Not anymore.
For testing I deleted all projects (exept “Inbox” project) from Vikunja before starting the process a second time.

Ah, and btw I get the attached notification from Vikunja.

And s second screenshot with the result

Looks like that was a bug which should be fixed now. Please try again.

It worked.
Thanks for the effort and time you invested here.

After importing everything to Vikunja:
I had a project with the same name: “Inbox”. Didn’t regonise that because ToDoist is set to german.