Error - Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'find)

Hello all,

I have an error when i go into a "bucket " and want
to add a “deadline date”. It saves everything so far, but
I got this error message right after i choose a date.
I then exit the bucket and the date is saved.

Have you seen this ? a bug ?

best regards

Which version are you using?

Can you reproduce this on try?

not repodusable on the “demo version”.
High possibility that I made some misakes during the installation.

I have this in the logs:

its strange, some times i got the error message (in the 1. printscreen in the post) when
I change the “due date”, and some times I can change the “due date” without any errors.
(When everything is fine, (no errors) I still got the “did not find any webhook” so not sure this is
the error for the first error I posted (cannot read propertires…)

I got this in the Browserdebugtools , but not sure if relevant

I use:
Vikunja api version v0.24.5
Built with go1.23.3

best regards

This is unrelated. Not really an error, more a debug message.

If you can’t reproduce it on the demo, it’s likely that it already got fixed in a recent release.

thank you =) didnt saw it anymore, so this topic can be closed.

best regards