Hi all,
I’m just starting out with a new subscription (at the moment in the free trial phase) but I’ve already encountered a bug on the cloud platform (just happened a few days ago):
This is after creating three tasks in the backlog and then looking around the system. On coming back to this projects kanban view (see image) shows all three tasks in every bucket. Internally they share the database id (as seen in url) and if I delete one of them out of a bucket the will be deleted out of all buckets after a refresh. Moving around from bucket to bucket temporarily leads to duplicate items in the same bucket, but after a refresh I’m back to this image…
Interestingly it happens only in this project for the moment, maybe I triggered some weird edge case when exploring the system?
Thanks for the help and kind regards,
Lukas Wolf
This does indeed look like an edge case - I was not able to reproduce this as is. Are you able to reproduce this on the demo? If so, which browser are you using?
Hi there,
I am also quite new to Vikunja. At first, thanks @kolaente for this tool, I am really satisfied.
But while I tried out the Kanban-Mode I stumbled over the same bug as @lukas.wolf did. To add indications I took some screenshots with time-stamps and visible urls:
I tried also with nested projects and this occurred also.
As well I tried adding a start- and end-date but again nothing changed.
In addition I grabed the html-file from the Firefox-inspector, if you need it I can upload it.
Btw. I am using Firefox 128.6.0esr.
Thank you very much for looking into this!
So you’re seeing this only sometimes?
Which Vikunja version are you using?
no I am seeing it every time I try it. My Vikunja version is 24.1
Does this happen with the latest release?
In a quick test just now I could not reproduce it. Thank you very much!