Are reminders supposed to trigger notifications in the web UI?

I assumed that setting a ‘Reminder’ on a task would trigger a notification in the web UI (the bell icon in the top right) but I’ve never been able to make that happen. The reminder time comes and goes and I get no notification of any kind anywhere that I can see. Are reminders only designed to be sent via email?

I’m running a self-hosted instance of Vikunja (latest v 0.22.0) but have also tried the demo instance and neither seems to do anything in the web UI when the reminder time is reached.

i too am trying to figure out the notification behaviour. I am hoping to manage this by project. I have subscribed to the project. I received the overdue tasks email the following morning. After I set a reminder I did get a notification email for a specific task. But I have not yet seen anything within the app and the bell.

Confirms that webui is not working.

I’ve added support for reminders via the web ui in 32611dc2d7 and 7f70471894. Please check with the next unstable build or on try.

Note that you won’t get browser notifications, that’s a different issue.

I’ve added support for reminders via the web ui in 32611dc2d7 and 7f70471894 . Please check with the next unstable build or on try .

I cannot seem to get this to work. I set a reminder for a few minutes into the future, waited until that time elapsed, and no notification was shown in the bell icon. Tried a couple times and tried refreshing the page as well.

Note that you won’t get browser notifications, that’s a different issue.

Long term it would be great if there was a way to get notifications on iOS for reminders, etc but since there is no app and no browser notifications (which I’m not even sure work on iOS?) it may not be possible in the short term.

I’m considering creating something via the API and another app like Home Assistant or maybe PushOver since I have those as part of my ecosystem and notification system already. TBD.

Which version are you using?

The app has support for reminders via push notifications but you’d need to compile and sign it for iOS yourself.

That was on the site.

The app has support for reminders via push notifications but you’d need to compile and sign it for iOS yourself.

Interesting, did not know the app was cross platform, had just heard there was an android app. I might try it compiling it if I can find the time.

Looks like this is a little more complicated. You’ll need to have “remind me via email” enabled in the settings and correctly set the time zone to your local one. And you need to have email reminders set up so that reminders will be sent via email.

That’s not ideal and I hope to improve this in future releases.

Gotcha, thanks for the update!

I had wondered if timezone might be effecting the results in the demo site. I do have my timezone set via the TZ environment variable in the docker compose file for my self-hosted instance. Should that suffice for the timezone?

You need to configure it in your user settings as well. Vikunja itself does not use the TZ environment variable, only its own config.

Looks like I misspoke. I was already using VIKUNJA_SERVICE_TIMEZONE in my compose file :man_facepalming:t2:. I’m using TZ is a bunch of other ones. Too many containers and compose files to mentally keep track of :sweat_smile:

I’ve tested out the web UI reminders and it works!
Awesome job, makes it a little easier to create something custom to get notifications to my phone.

I was currently using the mail notifications. The notifications were caught by my Mailpit instance and I then used the Mailpit API to get the latest email to then forward that to my Gotify installation. I could now just directly query the Vikunja API to get the notifications, awesome!