Trello-Import: HTML-Mails

Mails generated from Trello import have html entitys like < and > encoded, where they shouldn’t:


=09<p><strong>Spielleitung</strong> mentioned you in a task:</p>

=09<p>&lt;p&gt;Die shared Accounts @moderation und @spielleitung sollten No=
tifications, mindestens Mentions, an Discord-Webhooks weiter reichen&lt;/p&=

=09<p>&lt;p&gt;API: &lt;a href=3D&quot;
s/notifications/#see-also&quot; title=3D&quot;smartCard-inline&quot;&gt;htt=

This is probably a broader issue since comments are now html

This should be fixed in 191a476823. Please check with the next unstable build (you can also manually create a comment where you @mention someone and the mail should contain the rendered html, not the source).

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Works like a charm! Thanks for fixing this! :slight_smile: