Tasks moved from one project to another do not show up in Kanban

So I just moved from Kanboard to Vikunja. It’s fitting my needs and much more (great! Thank you!) but I have discovered a weird interaction when moving a task from one project to another.

I have the following handles:
IH (Internal Helpdesk)
EA (External Projects)

I created a task in Internal Helpdesk first. Then I realized I created it in the wrong project so I moved it.

It’s successfully moved from IH to EA but now it won’t show up in EA’s kanban but it shows up in the task and search.

I haven’t deleted the first bucket (just renamed it to planning) so my assumption that it would just go in there but it doesn’t show up at all.

Is this normal?

(also I tried to embed 3 images but could only upload one.)


I just marked the task as done and it went into my default done bucket.

Could we possibly add an option when moving one task to another project prompt the user to choose which bucket it should sit in before moving it?

Hi, I was looking for the same problem as yours, and as you have the Default Done bucket setting, you have the default bucket setting too.

So, if you set first the default bucket (backlog i.e.), when you move a task from one project to another one, the task goes to the default bucket. If you set it after moving a task, you mark as done the task, undo marking the task as done, and the task will go to default bucket.

I hope I have explained myself.

This seems to have been a bug, I’ve just pushed a fix for it. Please check with the next unstable build (should be ready for deployment in ~45min, also on try).

Hey there. Thanks! Won’t be able to check until the weekend.

This is what didn’t happen and I assumed this would and how it should work.