Setting up Microsoft To-Do import

I am trying to set up import from Microsoft To-Do in Vikunja, but I can not find any detailed documentation on that topic. Is it available somewhere?

There’s more information in the default config file: api/config.yml.sample at main - api - Gitea

At the risk of sounding like a complete idiot I have no idea how Azure works (I never used it). I have tried a bunch of settings over the past week but nothing worked. Hence my request for detailed setup documentation.

Last time I’ve used it it was literally trying a bunch of things until it works. There is a link to a help article which helps to get going but Azure is still a massive PITA.

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Couldn’t you post an example setup?

The config in Vikunja itself is pretty simple:

    enable: true
    clientid: <some-uuid>
    clientsecret: <some secret>

There’s a setup doc from microsoft on how to get the credentials: Quickstart: Register an app in the Microsoft identity platform - Microsoft Entra | Microsoft Learn

Yeah, the problem is, that microsoft nowadays does not allow anyone who is “not qualified” to register an app and thus one cannot write even simple extensions to their apps or even import data -.-

see this reddit post