Repeat task same day every month, 25th for example

Is it at all possible to repeat a task on the 25th of every month?

There are things I need to do on the 1st of every month for example (bookkeeping) and stuff I need to do when salary comes in (25th).

The 30d repeat would shift the tasks in the month.

More options would be cool!

You can do what you’re describing by setting the repeat mode to “monthly”.

I only see daily, x weekly and every 30 days?

That’s on v0.24.1, maybe .2 has it, though changelog does not mention it :slight_smile:

The monthly repeat mode is under the “Repeat mode” dropdown, where it says “default” in your screenshot.

Wow. Hope that’s new bc I did not find it before. Or I am just not good at searching. Thanks @kolaente

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