Push notification on Android

Does PWA on Android support push notification for new comments?

No, push notifications are not supported in the pwa.

Is there any other way to get notified about something on Android?

You can try the app: GitHub - go-vikunja/app

Or sync via caldav to the tasks.org app

There is an app notify. Ntfy is a messaging service for sending and receiving in real time via WebSocket and with UnifiedPush support. → Ntfy Push Dienst - adminForge

Maybe this is an solution?

There are plans to integrate Apprise which supports ntfy as well.

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That sounds absolutely awesome!!!

I’d absolutely love to see something like ntfy support.

As I think more and more will shift away from email, as in my eyes a whole smtp server is also much more complex to set up, than for example ntfy.

Has there been any progress so far or some very rough ETA?

Not sure if you are still workshopping a solution, but I managed to combine Automatisch - A Self-hosted Zapier/IFTTT with @percent’s suggestion of ntfy using the webhook flow:

Hope this helps!

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Hey @kolaente, does AppRise require setting up an external service in order to work? Have you considered implementing the shoutrrr library directly into Vikunja?

I think they do require an external service. Never heard of shoutrrr, looks like a great way around that. Added a note about it to the apprise task.

Can you share the link to the issue, please? So I can take a look and subscribe.

It’s this one: Vikunja

I’m afraid you can’t subscribe there, but I’ll ping here once it’s implemented.

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