Optionally hide "Last Viewed" section (on mobile)?

On mobile, the “Last Viewed” section takes up a lot of screen real estate - 5 items take up my entire screen. Is it possible to optionally hide the last viewed section, e.g. via an env var/configuration?

(personally, I don’t find it useful on desktop either, so hiding it entirely would also be an option)

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Looking through the codebase, I think I could probably submit a PR, but I wouldn’t submit one if such cosmetic app behavior is not desired.

I’d merge a PR if it would be a user setting (persisted on the server, like the language or quick add magic mode).

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I’m away for the next month but can see about it in the new year. Thanks for the encouragement :slight_smile:

Hi together,
I would love to have this possibility too.
Viewing the “actual tasks” on the first site of my screen would be very helpful and like @guidopetri said its not the case on mobiles.

I’d very much like this option to be added as well. I’m embedding the homepage view of Vikunja as an iframe widget on my gethomepage dashboad, and the Last Viewed tiles take up the entirety of the iframe space available. Hiding those would be perfect for my usecase.

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Do you want to fully use Vikunja while embedded? Or do you want to only show a few tasks? Then you could embed a project or filter directly.

Ideally, I’d like to see the “Current Tasks” list from the homepage, and the quick add box. I want to be able to see my current task list, and be able to add new tasks from my dashboard. Being able to check them off as done is a must, and being able to click into them to see details would be very nice to have.

I currently have the app as a whole embedded, and no projects configured so I don’t see the Last Viewed section ever - if there’s a way to get just the Quick Add textbox and Current Tasks list in a simple widget, that would be awesome.