Setting up your Environment
- This guide is to assist in setting up notifications using [ntfy] utilizing [Automatisch] as a middle man
- Note I set it up this way because I use access tokens for my [ntfy] server, and it was easier at the time, I can work on building a [Vikunja] to [ntfy] direct guide as well
- Automatisch
- install
- setup webhook
- add Ntfy
- Vikunja
- Install
- Project
- Add Webhook
- ntfy
- install
- configure
- add topic
- integrate
- test and enjoy
setup Automatisch
Setting up the Webhook
Go to the Flows page and select
Create Flow
Scroll down to Webhook in the drop down, then select
catch raw webhook
You will be presented with a webhook URL, which will be used in [Vikunja] shortly.
Set up Vikunja however you would prefer, I used the Docker setup provided
Once you are ready to setup your webhook, select the project you would like to get notifications for, and select the Webhooks tab.
Paste the link from [Automatisch], ensuring to select any notification you would like to recieve before applying settings
After you have these settings in, head back over to [NTFY] for your
Integrating NTFY
Setup your NTFY to your preference, I chose the NTFY Docker Compose w/auth, cache, web push, iOS I also used a custom
(can share if anyone needs it) -
Then just create an account, login, and create a new topic
The easiest way to create a new topic from the web is to select
Subscribe to topic
After getting logged in, go to My Apps > Add Connection > Ntfy
After authenticating your ntfy (if your setup is requires this) you are ready to setup the [Webhook]
Note You will need to head over to [Vikunja] to setup the Webhook prior to testing the action.
Optional - Adding Filters
If you only want to receive specific events, feel free!
you can use the
action to adjust what gets to [Ntfy].- Important note the way this currently action currently functions acts as only an
statement, meaning if the conditions are not met, there will be no message sent
I have set up a filter to only take URGENT (BODY.DATA.TASK.PRIORITY: 5) or the label Homelab (BODY.DATA.TASK.LABELS.0.TITLE: “Homelab”)
Suggestion Test. Test. Test. make sure you have the data filtered properly before publishing.
Testing and Showcase
after copying your webhook from [Automatisch] to [Vikunja], you can click the
Test and Continue
in the Trigger portion, this will result in the last posted task in this list being returned via the webhook -
Add an Action to your Flow, selecting
from the dropdown, andSend message
from the list of actions -
Next, select the Ntfy server you would like to send to and click
Composing your notification
This is where you can put any information from the webhook into the composition of your notification.
Tip if you use the
as a Click URL, it will take you directly to the task from ntfybonus
I am currently working on a guide to provide action buttons (view/complete task) using Scriptable and other iOS shortcuts/app workflows.
Click continue and you can test!
Go back to Ntfy and check
If you got a notification, then success
you’re all set!
Naming, and Publishing
- Now that you have your flow all setup, its time to name it! Choose a good name where it says
Name your flow
then clickPublish
One Final Note
if you need to edit the flow you have setup
it’s super easy!
Just click into your flow from the Flow
page and click Unpublish
in the top right, edit to your heart’s content, and remember to click Publish