Hello, we would like to know, if there is a simple way to have description and comments immutable.
For ‘immutable’ I mean that I should not be able to edit it, like comments/description in bugzilla.
If there isn’t an official way to do that (configuration I suppose), can suggest a way to just make “edit” to disappear on the UI? I know that people will be able to edit via API, but it doesn’t matter.
We just want a situation where, if you have requested A, then you can’t change it later replacing A with B, so “just don’t want to ever change them” for everyone
Maybe we are saying the same thing in a different way.
I want users have a permission to create a ticket, create a description and create comments, but when they have inserted them, there should be no way to edit what they have already inserted, like in bugzilla
Pardon I meant edit-shortcut="e".
Anyway - there’s seems to be more needed than removing that and Edit buttons. For example double-clicking on task description also opens it up for editing - not sure how to disable this behaviour.
Other than that there’s always a possibility of user knowing how to use DevTools in browser so this type of restriction can be easily skipped.