Make description and comments immutable

Hello, we would like to know, if there is a simple way to have description and comments immutable.

For ‘immutable’ I mean that I should not be able to edit it, like comments/description in bugzilla.

If there isn’t an official way to do that (configuration I suppose), can suggest a way to just make “edit” to disappear on the UI? I know that people will be able to edit via API, but it doesn’t matter.

NOTE: we build both backend/frontend from scratch as per Build Vikunja from sources

I think very primitive solution would be both removing the UI buttons, and keyboard shortcut “E”.

Search for something like v-shortcut=“E” in frontend directory and remove that line before building your custom image again.

This could of course have a dedicated parameter in system settings, but I don’t think it’s going to be popular feature.

What is your use case to have them immutable? Do you just don’t want to ever change them, or do you want to allow only certain people to edit them?

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We just want a situation where, if you have requested A, then you can’t change it later replacing A with B, so “just don’t want to ever change them” for everyone


I didn’t manage to find what you pointed out:

$ grep -R “v-shortcut” | sed “s:\t: :g”
frontend/src/views/tasks/TaskDetailView.vue: v-shortcut=“‘t’”
frontend/src/views/tasks/TaskDetailView.vue: v-shortcut=“‘s’”
frontend/src/views/tasks/TaskDetailView.vue: v-shortcut=“‘l’”
frontend/src/views/tasks/TaskDetailView.vue: v-shortcut=“‘p’”
frontend/src/views/tasks/TaskDetailView.vue: v-shortcut=“‘c’”
frontend/src/views/tasks/TaskDetailView.vue: v-shortcut=“‘a’”
frontend/src/views/tasks/TaskDetailView.vue: v-shortcut=“‘f’”
frontend/src/views/tasks/TaskDetailView.vue: v-shortcut=“‘r’”
frontend/src/views/tasks/TaskDetailView.vue: v-shortcut=“‘m’”
frontend/src/views/tasks/TaskDetailView.vue: v-shortcut=“‘d’”
frontend/src/views/tasks/TaskDetailView.vue: v-shortcut=“‘Alt+r’”
frontend/src/views/tasks/TaskDetailView.vue: v-shortcut=“‘Shift+Delete’”
frontend/src/components/misc/Modal.vue: v-shortcut=“‘Escape’”
frontend/src/components/home/Navigation.vue: v-shortcut=“‘g o’”
frontend/src/components/home/Navigation.vue: v-shortcut=“‘g u’”
frontend/src/components/home/Navigation.vue: v-shortcut=“‘g p’”
frontend/src/components/home/Navigation.vue: v-shortcut=“‘g a’”
frontend/src/components/home/Navigation.vue: v-shortcut=“‘g m’”
frontend/src/components/home/MenuButton.vue: v-shortcut=“‘Mod+e’”
frontend/src/components/home/ContentAuth.vue: v-shortcut=“‘?’”

But then doesn’t that mean you’ll need to disable everything, not just description and comments?

To me, this sounds a little like you want a permission option to allow users to create tasks, but not update them.

Maybe we are saying the same thing in a different way.

I want users have a permission to create a ticket, create a description and create comments, but when they have inserted them, there should be no way to edit what they have already inserted, like in bugzilla


Pardon I meant edit-shortcut="e".
Anyway - there’s seems to be more needed than removing that and Edit buttons. For example double-clicking on task description also opens it up for editing - not sure how to disable this behaviour.
Other than that there’s always a possibility of user knowing how to use DevTools in browser so this type of restriction can be easily skipped.