Login to vikunja container?


in other docker installations it is possible to login to the container with:

docker exec -it <container_name> /bin/bash

But this is not possible in Vikunja. How can I login to the container?

Best regards

Hi namtscho

Maybe this: Command line interface helps for what you want to do.

best regards

Thank you for the tipp. No, thats not possible. I think that my partners will be confused about the mails which they receive from vikunja. The mail address itself is mine but the preceding text Vikunja in the subject line should be replaced throug my name. I think this is not possible to configure. In other apps it could be defined by “my own<mail@myown.com>”. But if I configure this in VIKUNJA_MAILER_FROMEMAIL the mail will not be sent.

Hi namtscho,

Im not sure if I understand you right ?
Is this from the same topic as your initial question ?

For your mail issues, what does a testmail give you ?
How is your mail configuration ?


Sends a test mail using the configured smtp connection.

vikunja testmail [email to send the test mail to]

Sorry for the misunderstanding, perhaps I described my problem not exact.
The mail transport runs fine but my clients will receive mail from my adress but not with my name.
I can explain that to them but Im pretty shure that within some weeks, without often contact to that they will forget it. Since all mailboxes are currently flooded with spam, I think that my customers can’t do then anything with the name vikunja and will delete the email. If my name will be used there it would be clear where the email came from.
This is an example what I mean from my inbox. Sorry that this is in german.

So I like to take a look into the container where vikunja prepares this mail. Perhaps I could do a small patch for me. Im not close to the language Go so I think Im not able to make an official git input.
It should not be so complicated to define a new value to be set in the config for the sender name.

Hello Namtscho,

Ok I understand you now.
I dont think that I can help you here, it seems to be somthing
the DEV’s should answer I think. Would be indeed nice if we could
change the “sendername” of the emails we got from vikunja…

best regards

The Vikunja docker container contains only the Vikunja binary, nothing else.

Changing the from name isn’t really supported. You’d need to change it in code and recompile Vikunja from scratch. You can only change the email address Vikunja will use to send emails.

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Ok, thanks a lot for the quick response. I try to do this and the binary seems to run well.
When I try to make a docker image with “docker build -t myapp .” it fails with the message:

Is there a platform info in mage needed for linux?

Yeah you need to build with docker buildx:

docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 . -t vikunja:dev --load

Thank you for the help. I regret to say that the error is the same.

Which git commit are you trying to build?

I tried v0.24.6. That seems to me the acual version.