Vikunja cloud problem

Hi there, thanks for making this awesome task app, I use it a lot and up until now everything ran smoothly. I have recently encountered a problem however: when I click on a task, I don’t see any options anymore (like choose due date, interval, comments,…). Very annoying because now I can’t edit any task. Does someone have an idea on how to solve this? Here is an example screenshot of a task, am I missing something?

Since when does this happen? Does it happen for all projects? Is the project where you’re seeing this a project someone else shared with you?

I think from today, I noticed it at around 16:00 UTC+1 time. All projects are affected and not sharing with anyone.

Does it happen when you create a new project?

just tried creating a new project, you then have a link to create your first task, when I click on it, nothing happens

Same issue for me : I noticed it this morning around 9:30 utc on the kanban view : I cannot move tasks and the new column button disapeared.
All the buttons to modify tasks on the task card and elsewhere disapeared.

It seems like this was caused by a change which was deployed yesterday. I’ve just deployed a fix for that, and from my testing, it seems to work. Please check again, and sorry for the inconvenience.

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It works again for me. Thank you for the fix.

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here as well. thanks for the help

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