Is it possible to create templates?

I’d like to create templates for tasks. For example, certain household tasks need to occur every Thursday in the evening. Can I create a template called “QThursdayPM” and then use it like this to mass create tasks: “Clean Fridge”, based on “QThursdayPM”? Or even create multiple tasks with the same template: “‘Clean Fridge’, ‘Buy Toilet Paper’, ‘Meal Plan’”, based on “QThursdayPM”?

Right now that’s not possible. We have something in the backlog for templates though.

Why not just make a separate list with all these tasks recurring?

Because I have an task that is not recurring in an regular time frame, and sometime i need the same task multiple times a month and sometimes only once a year.

It would be nice if a user could save a template for each project.

Suppose you have four family users (A B C D, each has a project (A B C D)

Most of the time, entries in Project A concern user A.

Template for project A:

  1. Assign user A
  2. due date Tomorrow (He usually has appointments that need to be completed the next day)
  3. color blue (and his favorite color for tasks is blue.)
  4. reminder one hour before (and he would like to be reminded 1 hour before the appointment.)

In this way, a new entry can be completely created with one action, which would otherwise require 13 actions or more.

Assign = 3 actions/clicks
Due Date = 4 actions/clicks
Color = 3 actions/clicks
Reminder = 3 actions/clicks

Even if the appointment isn’t tomorrow, it can easily be changed.

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Just a note, this can be nicely handled with webhooks and best with the n8n integration - we have flows for exactly such defaults, but they provide a lot more flexibility (such as assigning the task creator by default)

+1 to this. Currently I use an empty project as a template, but this is not useful for filters