It would be nice to add default values for specific projects. For example, I may have a deadline for project A, so all new tasks could have that deadline as default due date. Or, for example, maybe projects A and B are hobbies and projects C and D are work, so the label “hobby” could be added by default to any task created within projects A and B (same for label “work” for C and D). And so on; other values could be set to a default if created within a project.
have you looked into cron tasks for this? or maybe setting up a template POST request to get this done?
I have a template POST that adds tags, due date, priority, and project to my task. It’s a bit of work to do but streamlines the process in the long run
For me, this is a big feature.
For example, I have a Monthly Tasks project where I set all tasks to reoccur monthly. Setting this at the project level would be nice.
Another example, is waiting for list, I use this to track things I am owed. If I add something to the project, it would be nice to have it auto set a label.
Maybe someone might want a due date of 2 weeks for any task added to a project.
This sounds like a perfect use case for n8n using the webhooks and API integrations.
It’s more of a tasks thing, not automation/systems thing. Remember The Milk does this well. Shouldn’t need to start writing shell scripts or integrations for something so in line with basic tasks.
Well it’s not really possible to do this in Vikunja. But using the n8n integration would be one way to achieve this.
To do it in line, you just add # for project, @ for label, and ! For priority. Auto tagging isn’t the same as an in-line command IMO, so an external flow would make sense to be required.
If you press the ? On the add task
field you can see better detail