I recently stumbled over Vikunja and want to give it a try. So far it looks really promising! There is one thing i noticed and couldn’t resist pointing out: Looking at the images on https://vikunja.io/ and also the demo-instance/login page, they are all showing lamas and alpacas, but no actual vikunjas. Also vikunjas are not white, as the logo suggests
Don’t take this too serious and keep up the good work
Ha, good point! The difficulty is to actually find good photos of Vikunja which are also available to be used freely in an open-source project. I’ll happily take any pointers
Valid point! I happen to have a few photos from a trip to Bolivia. They are not of great “marketing quality” as they happen to just be casual shots, but if you want you can have them. Is there a way to send you a link to a photo album in private?
Alternately you could rename the project to “goat”, I’ll be able to remember the damn name, and I’ll send you as many photos in whatever poses you want of my goats.
More seriously, thanks for making such a great piece of software. You guys are helping me climb out of a pit of ADHD.