Get info about importation - Trello

Awesome, thank you! I can confirm that the formatting is migrated correctly now.

Another minor issue importing Trello boards: labels using subtler and bolder colors are not migrated, just skipped.

I’ve updated the color map and tested locally - I can’t open a PR since my gitea account is not approved yet, but here you go:

	trelloColorMap = map[string]string{
		"green":        "4bce97",
		"yellow":       "f5cd47",
		"orange":       "fea362",
		"red":          "f87168",
		"purple":       "9f8fef",
		"blue":         "579dff",
		"sky":          "6cc3e0",
		"lime":         "94c748",
		"pink":         "e774bb",
		"black":        "8590a2",
		"green_dark":   "1f845a",
		"yellow_dark":  "946f00",
		"orange_dark":  "c25100",
		"red_dark":     "c9372c",
		"purple_dark":  "6e5dc6",
		"blue_dark":    "0c66e4",
		"sky_dark":     "227d9b",
		"lime_dark":    "5b7f24",
		"pink_dark":    "ae4787",
		"black_dark":   "626f86",
		"green_light":  "baf3db",
		"yellow_light": "f8e6a0",
		"orange_light": "fedec8",
		"red_light":    "ffd5d2",
		"purple_light": "dfd8fd",
		"blue_light":   "cce0ff",
		"sky_light":    "c6edfb",
		"lime_light":   "d3f1a7",
		"ping_light":   "fdd0ec",
		"black_light":  "dcdfe4",
		"transparent":  "", // Empty