Error "You must provide a project view ID when sorting by position" after upgrade vom 0.22 to 0.24


I just made an upgrade on my vikunja installation from 0.22 to 0.24.4.
Now, the list-Endpoint shows no Tasks but the error “you must provide a project view ID when sorting by position”.

The other views (gantt, table, …) work fine and show the open tasks.

I tried to create a new project and add a task. Unforunatley, it shows the same problem.

How to fix?

Best regards!

Did you upgrade the frontend as well?

Note that frontend and api have been merged in 0.23.0.

Thanks for your reply.

I used this description: Vikunja — UberLab 7 documentation
And Irealized I had to made a change to the Web Backend configuration.

Now the error has changed: “Request failed with status code 500”.

But I found out: when I remove the “done = false” Filter from the View Configuration, it works just finde without error. Only when I add this filter (or any other) it runs in this error.

What’s the error message in the logs when you get the error 500?

Thanks for your reply.

I could get rid of all errors by analizing the log file.

Timezone and rootpath was not set in the settings file. In the old Vikunya version, the default value was accepted, now I see this error:


After replacing the default value with the full path, the error is gone.

The filter in the projekt list view works without error, after setting the timezone.

Hope I found every error :slight_smile:

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