Date format and languange spesific date strings

Hi! I do not get the date format to be correct. I have done translations into Norwegian. I have translated date.locale to no (also tried nb_NO) and date.altFormatLong to d.m.y H:i and date.altFormatShort to d.m.y

I have tested this on the demo server of yours, around 24 hours after doing the translation.

Any idea what is wrong? All other strings work ok when translated.

Is the translation approved?

Where did you expect the string to be used?

Hi! Several strings are shown in english. All strings are approved translated so they exists in Norwegian. See this screen capture: Pågående oppgaver | Vikunja

Are the unlocalized strings only dates? Because that’s a different issue:

Yes, only strings associated with dates. And date format itself is not correct. Always in standard English format. If I switch to German the date format is in German format.

Any news about this one? Quite annoing with those English date strings around…

There’s an open PR: #3039 - fix: remove date-fns - vikunja - Gitea

ok. How can I fix my self hosted installation with this fix? The demo has not got the fix?

Once it’s merged, you can get the fix on your instance through the
unstable release. Until then, you’d need to check out the sources of
that PR and build Vikunja yourself.