Dark Mode (Solved)

Either that or wait for the next stable release.

Gotcha, is there a planned release soon? (Trying to gauge if itā€™s worthwhile to go through the trouble of unstable/nightly)


I hope to get something out in march or april.

I switched my self hosted Vikunja docker containers to unstable yesterday. Noticed one small issue today with the PWA - niether dark mode settings nor the new login screen stick in the PWA on first load, you need to refresh or login.

Presumably due to browser caching.

Fixed by uninstalling the PWA and reinstalling.
To uninstall open the Vikunja PWA and under the vertical triple dot menu youā€™ll find an ā€˜Uninstallā€¦ā€™ option. Then open Vikunja in your browser and repeat the original ā€˜Installā€¦ā€™.

The PWA should recognize the new content and download it in the background. That can take a bit but once it is done, there should be a message on the top right corner saying ā€œThereā€™s an update availableā€ with a button to update. Maybe it didnā€™t finish in time in your case?

Itā€™s true I didnā€™t notice the usual ā€˜there is an updateā€™ alert. But the PWA was open for quite some time the previous evening.

And the behaviour is a little different. As as I refreshed (pressed cntrl-r) and logged in the previous evening I had the updated version of the front end, set dark mode always on, logged out, saw new login screen etc. Quit and start PWA - see white old login screen.

Same thing yesterday morning - opened PWA and was presented with the old bright white login.

Just checked a laptop I have PWA installed on too - just a white screen with no login window on first launch, then straight to the new login layout on refresh. So that seemed better.

FWIW the the more problematic experience on my desktop PC had the PWA installed via Chromium. On the laptop via Vivaldi.

I wonder, is the PWA update code based on a release version, and does the unstable release have a release version?

The pwa is the same version as the frontend. If you update and then restart the browser and see the old version, thatā€™s likely some issue with browser caching. Or at least every time in the past where I saw that it was caused by som wired browser issue. Iā€™m not quite sure why it happens or how to prevent it though.

Did it happen again after you updated the pwa the second time?

Not quite sure what you mean by ā€˜updated the pwaā€™ there.

Manjaro Linux based desktop, on which installed PWA via Chromium was the problematic one. Must have logged in, logged out and quit PWA two or three times - each time it started it was back to the old white login screen. Dark mode setting was respected on login it was just the initial load, obviously stale cache, and stubborn. That I fixed by uninstalling the PWA and reinstalling.

Manjaro Laptop, PWA installed via Vivaldi and on which I probably hadnā€™t opened Vikunja for at least 4 days. Had a white screen on first load - not even a login prompt! - but hitting cntrl-r to refresh page and that loaded the new style login page, it worked as normal after that.

Also just checked the PWA on my LineageOS phone, installed via Vivaldi, probably havenā€™t used it in a couple of weeks. It loaded up the new login page on start, working perfectly.

So yes, probably browser cache related and it might actually be worse in Chromium.

I mostly posted about it in case anyone else hit the problem, reinstalling the PWA if necessary is easy enough.

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Interesting case, I observed something similar but was always able to fix it by reloading. What version of Chromium are you using?

Iā€™d argue this is rather edge-casey, given how it worked in the other cases you described. But still something to look out for.

Version 99.0.4844.51 (Official Build) Arch Linux (64-bit) - actually on manjaro.

Definitely edge-casey :slight_smile:

And easily fixed by reinstalling the PWA if anyone else hits it.

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So this is a bit old, dark mode is great. Butā€¦ is there a config option to set to make it the default or at least system the default? I find that when I have to restart Vikunja, the session or whatever is reset. Meaning all the settings are reset and Iā€™m blinded in the night!

Did you configure your browser to use dark mode? Vikunja should respect that with a fresh session.

Additionally, there will be persistance of settings with an account (not only in the browser) which will allow persisting the setting across logins).

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Browser does use dark mode and my system also is dark mode.

I do use an SSO login with authentik if that changes anything and if I hit the log out button, it resets back to light and keeps me logged in still.

Each time it seems to reset back to light.

On latest release 20.1 for api and frontend, so if thereā€™s something that fixes it in bleeding edge releases I can switch.

If I remember correctly the ā€žpersistenceā€œ is currently localStorage based.
And the latter is cleared on every logout. As of now itā€™s not saved in the users profile data.

Hey guys, even though Dark Mode is great. Iā€™m tired seeing the same background color.
Any way to adjust it?

(I could do it myself in CSS, but I just feel other users would also like it customizable)