Convenient ways to reorder cards in Kanban

Frontend Version: 0.21.0
API Version: v0.21.0

As far as i can tell, the only way to reorder cards in a column on the kanban board is to click and drag the card. However, this doesn’t work very well when there are more cards than can visually be displayed on the screen. This is especially difficult when the card needs to move up to the top or to the bottom.

It would be nice if there was a way to send a given card to the top or bottom of a column.

Additionally, it would be nice if there was a way to sort columns by criteria.

How would you want to do this? Using a button in the task detail view?

You mean like due date, priority, etc? Or create columns based on a criteria?

I’d recommend you to upgrade to the latest release (currently 0.24.4) because there are a bunch of fixes in there. Kanban boards are a lot more flexible as well, though you can’t specify the sorting criteria.

I hesitated posting until I tested the latest version. I haven’t upgraded yet because I am in the middle of upgrading my underlying infrastructure. I am keeping all versioning locked for the sake of consistency until I am done with the migration.

I think that Jira does this well with their backlog and kanban views.

There is an elipses on the card in either view with a context menu that pops up when the elipses is clicked. It provides many helpful things you can do with a given card.

The former. I am glad that there is a filter on the top right to choose what shows and what does not. I was surprised to see that there was no way to order by anything. Priority and due date come to mind as you say.

One thing I enjoy about jira is the ability to separate the backlog from the kanban board. The backlog is like the List or Table view in Vikunja but it only shows you cards that are not on the kanban board. You can choose what criteria/status a ticket must have to be in a given column on the kanban board, and what statuses would put the card on the backlog.

This helps separate things we have queued up to work on / in progress / done, from things we need to spend more time prioritizing. When we put all cards on the kanban board, the todo column becomes very long and difficult to manage. If we didn’t want a backlog feature added to vikunja, I would suggest adding a way to sort the todo column or the entire board. This needs to be a temporary sorting, since manually ordering tickets in kanban is an important feature we don’t want to lose. But ideally I would prefer a backlog that allows me to sort and filter to my hearts content so that I can prioritize and de-prioritize work effectively before i queue it up to work on.

It sounds like big changes have been made in the kanban feature that I haven’t tried yet. I apologize if these ideas have already been implemented or decided against and I have wasted your time!

We have plans to make this more flexible. I think sorting could be integrated as well when we do that.

You can kind of do that with the current release. It is now possible to configure a filter per view, where you could do something like “only show tasks with a label triage in the list view” and “only show tasks which do not have a label triage” on the kanban board. Please check it out, you can also take a look at the demo.

Thank you! I’m checking out the demo right now.