I have set up Vikunja using docker compose. Now I want to add openid connect. I understand that I have to do this through a config.yml file (which doesn’t seem to be included by default in the docker compose set up - so I have created a new one). This is being applied (as per the logs when I (re)start Vikunja) and, as I understand, overwrites anything that might be in the environment.
Using the sample config.yml file, I have edited in the configuration for my Keycloak instance and I have created a client in Keycloak.
But for the life of me, I can’t get the OIDC button to show up on the login page. The first clue I found is that when I look into the api info, the best I can do is get oidc enabled true but the providers will be empty (“”). To even get there, I had to tinker half an hour with the config file. What helped me was to remove all the comments in the auth section. With those comments, oidc enabled will show false.
Anyway, so oidc enabled now shows true but that’s it. I have tried with and without specifying the redirect url. I have tried setting values with and without quotation marks. I have tried various indentation changes. Nothing, absolutely nothing will get my Keycloak to show up (neither on the login page, nor in the api info page).
I see very few posts regarding set up issues but all of them seem to have gotten further than I have because they got the OIDC button to show up.
This is the auth section from my config.yml (anonymized)
enabled: true
enabled: true
redirecturl: https://vikunja.fqdn/auth/openid/
- name: Keycloak
authurl: https://keycloak-fqdn/realms/realm1/protocol/openid-connect/auth
logouturl: https://keycloak-fqdn/realms/realm1/protocol/openid-connect/logout
clientid: vikunja
clientsecret: xxx
scope: openid email profile
Anyone who has/had this issue as well?