Yes, we found that out when we first tried http://<internal-keycloak-address>:8080/realms/<realm-name>/.well-known/openid-configuration
and that didn’t work and results in the following error: 2d74fc8ef27b 2024-11-20T15:06:39.812688840Z 2024-11-20T15:06:39Z: ERROR ▶ 0e9 Error while getting openid provider keycloak: 404 Not Found: {"error":"Unable to find matching target resource method","error_description":"For more on this error consult the server log at the debug level."}
Then we found this post from March 9th of this year (2024) that mentioned something similar for Keycloak, that is when we changed our authurl to http://<internal-keycloak-address>:8080/realms/<realm-name>/
. This changed the error message to the current one and where we find ourselves today.