URL for Flatpak Client (within Trial) & Connecting Glitch.com Endpoint

used flatpak install flathub io.vikunja.Vikunja to install destktop client
. started 5/mo trial
. desktop client asking for Vikunja URL - point me please to docs on how to connect said URL for desktop client use please? (can connect desktop client in trial or need pay first for this?)
. using glitch.com will make endpoint-URL for interfacing with my projects - point me to best docs for such implementation please?


Using https://app.vikunja.cloud/ as the URL should do the trick.

Can you explain that a little more? What exactly do you want to achive?

For glitch.com -to setup submit-form that when submitted checks values of vikunja tasks -then pending on values retrieved continues responding with further code in page.
Looking in Vikunja API documentation - seems I need to attach an API request to a form-submit on my glitch page - taking value from input-field and passing in API request to check for vikunja task with matching string-value : if-match then run other code in page