Request for an install guide Linux

Hey guys,

I’ll start by mentioning that I’m not the most advanced Linux user, probably far from it.

I’ve been trying to install Vikunja after seeing it on reddit (native installation, non-docker) and I’ve failed and failed and failed…and failed. Each time with something different, advancing one more step but failing and not ending up with a working result… It’s very frustrating
Personally I found the installation guide to be incomplete and vague most of the times, I can give a lot of examples

Anyway, is there any installation guide, step-by-step (or command-by-command) starting from a fresh OS installation of Debian 10? Frontend+Backend, all in one something.

Vikunja looks amazing and I really want to use it :frowning:



Thanks for the interest in Vikunja.

The Docker Walkthrough is the closest you can get to a tutorial from start to finish, but there is nothing like that for a native install. What things do you struggle with? I’ll try to put up a guide.

This is mostly what I’ve done on a fresh debian 10 installation, after updating it and installing unzip.

mkdir -p /opt/vikunja
unzip vikunja-v0.18.0-linux-amd64-full -d /opt/vikunja
chmod +x /opt/vikunja
ln -s /opt/vikunja/vikunja-v0.18.0-linux-amd64 /usr/bin/vikunja

nano /etc/systemd/system/vikunja.service
nano /opt/vikunja/config.yml.sample 
mv /opt/vikunja/config.yml.sample /opt/vikunja/config.yml

systemctl enable vikunja
systemctl start vikunja
systemctl status vikunja

unzip -d /home/vikunja
apt install nginx
nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf 

nginx -t
service nginx reload
service nginx start

systemctl restart vikunja


user www-data;
worker_processes auto;
pid /run/;
include /etc/nginx/modules-enabled/*.conf;

events {
	worker_connections 768;
	# multi_accept on;

http {

	# Basic Settings

	sendfile on;
	tcp_nopush on;
	tcp_nodelay on;
	keepalive_timeout 65;
	types_hash_max_size 2048;
	# server_tokens off;

	# server_names_hash_bucket_size 64;
	# server_name_in_redirect off;

	include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
	default_type application/octet-stream;

	# SSL Settings

	ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; # Dropping SSLv3, ref: POODLE
	ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;

	# Logging Settings

	access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
	error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;

	# Gzip Settings

	gzip  on;
	gzip_disable "msie6";

	gzip_vary on;
	gzip_proxied any;
	gzip_comp_level 6;
	gzip_buffers 16 8k;
	gzip_http_version 1.1;
	gzip_min_length 256;
	gzip_types text/plain text/css application/json application/x-javascript text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript application/ application/x-font-ttf font/opentype image/svg+xml;

	server {
	    listen       80;
	    server_name  localhost;

	    location / {
	        root   /home/vikunja;
	        try_files $uri $uri/ /;
		index  index.html index.htm;

	# Virtual Host Configs

	include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
	#include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*;

#mail {
#	# See sample authentication script at:
#	#
#	# auth_http localhost/auth.php;
#	# pop3_capabilities "TOP" "USER";
#	# imap_capabilities "IMAP4rev1" "UIDPLUS";
#	server {
#		listen     localhost:110;
#		protocol   pop3;
#		proxy      on;
#	}
#	server {
#		listen     localhost:143;
#		protocol   imap;
#		proxy      on;
#	}


  # This token is used to verify issued JWT tokens.
  # Default is a random token which will be generated at each startup of vikunja.
  # (This means all already issued tokens will be invalid once you restart vikunja)
  JWTSecret: "<jwt-secret>"
  # The interface on which to run the webserver
  interface: ":3456"
  # Path to Unix socket. If set, it will be created and used instead of tcp
  # Permission bits for the Unix socket. Note that octal values must be prefixed by "0o", e.g. 0o660
  # The URL of the frontend, used to send password reset emails.
  frontendurl: ""
  # The base path on the file system where the binary and assets are.
  # Vikunja will also look in this path for a config file, so you could provide only this variable to point to a folder
  # with a config file which will then be used.
  rootpath: /opt/vikunja
  # The max number of items which can be returned per page
  maxitemsperpage: 50
  # Enable the caldav endpoint, see the docs for more details
  enablecaldav: true
  # Set the motd message, available from the /info endpoint
  motd: ""
  # Enable sharing of lists via a link
  enablelinksharing: true
  # Whether to let new users registering themselves or not
  enableregistration: true
  # Whether to enable task attachments or not
  enabletaskattachments: true
  # The time zone all timestamps are in. Please note that time zones have to use [the official tz database names]( UTC or GMT offsets won't work.
  timezone: GMT
  # Whether task comments should be enabled or not
  enabletaskcomments: true
  # Whether totp is enabled. In most cases you want to leave that enabled.
  enabletotp: true
  # If not empty, enables logging of crashes and unhandled errors in sentry.
  sentrydsn: ''
  # If not empty, this will enable `/test/{table}` endpoints which allow to put any content in the database.
  # Used to reset the db before frontend tests. Because this is quite a dangerous feature allowing for lots of harm,
  # each request made to this endpoint neefs to provide an `Authorization: <token>` header with the token from below. <br/>
  # **You should never use this unless you know exactly what you're doing**
  testingtoken: ''
  # If enabled, vikunja will send an email to everyone who is either assigned to a task or created it when a task reminder
  # is due.
  enableemailreminders: true
  # If true, will allow users to request the complete deletion of their account. When using external authentication methods 
  # it may be required to coordinate with them in order to delete the account. This setting will not affect the cli commands
  # for user deletion.
  enableuserdeletion: true

  # Database type to use. Supported types are mysql, postgres and sqlite.
  type: "sqlite"
  # Database user which is used to connect to the database.
  user: "vikunja"
  # Databse password
  password: ""
  # Databse host
  host: "localhost"
  # Databse to use
  database: "vikunja"
  # When using sqlite, this is the path where to store the data
  path: "./vikunja.db"
  # Sets the max open connections to the database. Only used when using mysql and postgres.
  maxopenconnections: 100
  # Sets the maximum number of idle connections to the db.
  maxidleconnections: 50
  # The maximum lifetime of a single db connection in miliseconds.
  maxconnectionlifetime: 10000
  # Secure connection mode. Only used with postgres.
  # (see
  sslmode: disable
  # Enable SSL/TLS for mysql connections. Options: false, true, skip-verify, preferred
  tls: false

  # If cache is enabled or not
  enabled: false
  # Cache type. Possible values are "keyvalue", "memory" or "redis".
  # When choosing "keyvalue" this setting follows the one configured in the "keyvalue" section.
  # When choosing "redis" you will need to configure the redis connection seperately.
  type: keyvalue
  # When using memory this defines the maximum size an element can take
  maxelementsize: 1000

  # Whether to enable redis or not
  enabled: false
  # The host of the redis server including its port.
  host: 'localhost:6379'
  # The password used to authenicate against the redis server
  password: ''
  # 0 means default database
  db: 0

  # Whether to enable or disable cors headers.
  # Note: If you want to put the frontend and the api on seperate domains or ports, you will need to enable this.
  #       Otherwise the frontend won't be able to make requests to the api through the browser.
  enable: true
  # A list of origins which may access the api. These need to include the protocol (`http://` or `https://`) and port, if any.
    - "*"
  # How long (in seconds) the results of a preflight request can be cached.
  maxage: 0

  # Whether to enable the mailer or not. If it is disabled, all users are enabled right away and password reset is not possible.
  enabled: false
  # SMTP Host
  host: ""
  # SMTP Host port
  port: 587
  # SMTP username
  username: "user"
  # SMTP password
  password: ""
  # Wether to skip verification of the tls certificate on the server
  skiptlsverify: false
  # The default from address when sending emails
  fromemail: "mail@vikunja"
  # The length of the mail queue.
  queuelength: 100
  # The timeout in seconds after which the current open connection to the mailserver will be closed.
  queuetimeout: 30
  # By default, vikunja will try to connect with starttls, use this option to force it to use ssl.
  forcessl: false

  # A folder where all the logfiles should go.
  path: <rootpath>logs
  # Whether to show any logging at all or none
  enabled: true
  # Where the normal log should go. Possible values are stdout, stderr, file or off to disable standard logging.
  standard: "stdout"
  # Change the log level. Possible values (case-insensitive) are CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFO, DEBUG.
  level: "INFO"
  # Whether or not to log database queries. Useful for debugging. Possible values are stdout, stderr, file or off to disable database logging.
  database: "off"
  # The log level for database log messages. Possible values (case-insensitive) are CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFO, DEBUG.
  databaselevel: "WARNING"
  # Whether to log http requests or not. Possible values are stdout, stderr, file or off to disable http logging.
  http: "stdout"
  # Echo has its own logging which usually is unnessecary, which is why it is disabled by default. Possible values are stdout, stderr, file or off to disable standard logging.
  echo: "off"
  # Whether or not to log events. Useful for debugging. Possible values are stdout, stderr, file or off to disable events logging.
  events: "stdout"
  # The log level for event log messages. Possible values (case-insensitive) are ERROR, INFO, DEBUG.
  eventslevel: "info"

  # whether or not to enable the rate limit
  enabled: false
  # The kind on which rates are based. Can be either "user" for a rate limit per user or "ip" for an ip-based rate limit.
  kind: user
  # The time period in seconds for the limit
  period: 60
  # The max number of requests a user is allowed to do in the configured time period
  limit: 100
  # The store where the limit counter for each user is stored.
  # Possible values are "keyvalue", "memory" or "redis".
  # When choosing "keyvalue" this setting follows the one configured in the "keyvalue" section.
  store: keyvalue

  # The path where files are stored
  basepath: ./files # relative to the binary
  # The maximum size of a file, as a human-readable string.
  # Warning: The max size is limited 2^64-1 bytes due to the underlying datatype
  maxsize: 20MB

  # These are the settings for the wunderlist migrator
    # Wheter to enable the wunderlist migrator or not
    enable: false
    # The client id, required for making requests to the wunderlist api
    # You need to register your vikunja instance at to get this
    # The client secret, also required for making requests to the wunderlist api
    # The url where clients are redirected after they authorized Vikunja to access their wunderlist stuff.
    # This needs to match the url you entered when registering your Vikunja instance at wunderlist.
    # This is usually the frontend url where the frontend then makes a request to /migration/wunderlist/migrate
    # with the code obtained from the wunderlist api.
    # Note that the vikunja frontend expects this to be /migrate/wunderlist
    # Wheter to enable the todoist migrator or not
    enable: false
    # The client id, required for making requests to the todoist api
    # You need to register your vikunja instance at to get this
    # The client secret, also required for making requests to the todoist api
    # The url where clients are redirected after they authorized Vikunja to access their todoist items.
    # This needs to match the url you entered when registering your Vikunja instance at todoist.
    # This is usually the frontend url where the frontend then makes a request to /migration/todoist/migrate
    # with the code obtained from the todoist api.
    # Note that the vikunja frontend expects this to be /migrate/todoist
    redirecturl: <frontend url>/migrate/todoist
    # Wheter to enable the trello migrator or not
    enable: false
    # The client id, required for making requests to the trello api
    # You need to register your vikunja instance at (log in before you visit that link) to get this
    # The url where clients are redirected after they authorized Vikunja to access their trello cards.
    # This needs to match the url you entered when registering your Vikunja instance at trello.
    # This is usually the frontend url where the frontend then makes a request to /migration/trello/migrate
    # with the code obtained from the trello api.
    # Note that the vikunja frontend expects this to end on /migrate/trello.
    redirecturl: <frontend url>/migrate/trello
    # Wheter to enable the microsoft todo migrator or not
    enable: false
    # The client id, required for making requests to the microsoft graph api
    # See
    # for information about how to register your vikuinja instance.
    # The client secret, also required for making requests to the microsoft graph api
    # The url where clients are redirected after they authorized Vikunja to access their microsoft todo tasks.
    # This needs to match the url you entered when registering your Vikunja instance at microsoft.
    # This is usually the frontend url where the frontend then makes a request to /migration/microsoft-todo/migrate
    # with the code obtained from the microsoft graph api.
    # Note that the vikunja frontend expects this to be /migrate/microsoft-todo
    redirecturl: <frontend url>/migrate/microsoft-todo

  # When using gravatar, this is the duration in seconds until a cached gravatar user avatar expires
  gravatarexpiration: 3600

  # Whether to enable backgrounds for lists at all.
  enabled: true
      # Whethere to enable uploaded list backgrounds
      enabled: true
      # Whether to enable setting backgrounds from unsplash as list backgrounds
      enabled: false
      # You need to create an application for your installation at
      # and set the access token below.
      # The unsplash application id is only used for pingback and required as per their api guidelines.
      # You can find the Application ID in the dashboard for your API application. It should be a numeric ID.
      # It will only show in the UI if your application has been approved for Enterprise usage, therefore if
      # you’re in Demo mode, you can also find the ID in the URL at the end:

# Legal urls
# Will be shown in the frontend if configured here

# Key Value Storage settings
# The Key Value Storage is used for different kinds of things like metrics and a few cache systems.
  # The type of the storage backend. Can be either "memory" or "redis". If "redis" is chosen it needs to be configured seperately.
  type: "memory"

  # Local authentication will let users log in and register (if enabled) through the db.
  # This is the default auth mechanism and does not require any additional configuration.
    # Enable or disable local authentication
    enabled: true
  # OpenID configuration will allow users to authenticate through a third-party OpenID Connect compatible provider.<br/>
  # The provider needs to support the `openid`, `profile` and `email` scopes.<br/>
  # **Note:** Some openid providers (like gitlab) only make the email of the user available through openid claims if they have set it to be publicly visible.
  # If the email is not public in those cases, authenticating will fail.
  # **Note 2:** The frontend expects to be redirected after authentication by the third party
  # to <frontend-url>/auth/openid/<auth key>. Please make sure to configure the redirect url with your third party
  # auth service accordingy if you're using the default vikunja frontend.
  # Take a look at the [default config file]( for more information about how to configure openid authentication.
    # Enable or disable OpenID Connect authentication
    enabled: false
    # The url to redirect clients to. Defaults to the configured frontend url. If you're using Vikunja with the official
    # frontend, you don't need to change this value.
    redirecturl: <frontend url>
    # A list of enabled providers
      # The name of the provider as it will appear in the frontend.
      - name:
        # The auth url to send users to if they want to authenticate using OpenID Connect.
        # The client ID used to authenticate Vikunja at the OpenID Connect provider.
        # The client secret used to authenticate Vikunja at the OpenID Connect provider.

# Prometheus metrics endpoint
  # If set to true, enables a /metrics endpoint for prometheus to collect metrics about Vikunja.
  enabled: false
  # If set to a non-empty value the /metrics endpoint will require this as a username via basic auth in combination with the password below.
  # If set to a non-empty value the /metrics endpoint will require this as a password via basic auth in combination with the username below.
systemctl status vikunja
● vikunja.service - Vikunja
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/vikunja.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Mon 2021-09-06 11:04:30 EDT; 5h 9min ago
 Main PID: 4400 (vikunja)
    Tasks: 6 (limit: 1149)
   Memory: 41.4M
   CGroup: /system.slice/vikunja.service
           └─4400 /usr/bin/vikunja

Current issue: The page displayed when accessing the webserver does not work correctly, as in if I register or login the page just seems to load something with no result.

Most likely the web page is not connecting to vikunja? I honestly tried to read the instructions again and again, I cannot find any explanation for my issue or how to fix, I’m sure I have not missed any steps or instructions. If I did, please correct me like you would with a 5 year old kid.


Yes, that sounds like it’s not connecting, seems like the frontendurl may not be defined properly?

In my config I have the full url with protocol so try:

frontendurl: ""

Or http if you don’t have https setup.

Changed to what you have suggested, still does not work. Restarted vikunja and nginx

Login screen gives “Request failed with status code 405”

The frontendurl setting in the config.yml file is used only for notifications the api sends so that you can directly click on a link in the email. Because the frontend is just static html files, it does not pick that up. But it looks like what @adrinux said, the frontend can’t communicate with the api.

Now, to fix this you have essentially two options:

  1. Manually set the frontend url in the frontend (You would need to do this every time you want to use Vikunja):
  2. As you’re already using nginx, you can use it to proxy all requests to the api. This makes api and frontend available on a single port and domain - the frontend assumes this by default. Check out the reverse proxy examples for that. Essentially, you’d need to add this part after the existing location block:
    location ~* ^/(api|dav|\.well-known)/ {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:3456;
        client_max_body_size 20M;
  1. Edit the index.html file to permanently set the API_URL (you’ll see the comments at the bottom when you open it with a text editor) to your api. You’ll have to do this every time after an upgrade.

Amazing, now it works!
Thanks a lot guys.

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