If i set a task as repeatable, Dragging into Done bucket is inconsistent.
in try.vikunja.io
1 Create task, set due date, set repeat period.
2 Drag into ‘some’ bucket
3 Drag into ‘done’ bucket > task appears in backlog, dates unchanged.
4 Drag task into ‘some’
5 Drag into ‘done’ > task re appears in ‘some’ or whichever bucket it was just in.
I’ve noticed that if you change an element of the repeat period on the task, you can then drag into the done bucket, but it still doesn’t mark the task as done, or update the due dates, it puts you back at step 2 in the process.
Looks like a bug.
Dragging task with repeat mode into Done bucket does not increment Due Date while explicitly marking it as done does it.
Notification about the due date increment would be very useful to not confuse users and let them know why task wasn’t marked as Done.
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Dragging a task into the done bucket would mark it as done, but because it is recurring, it is marked un-done right after that and moved back into the bucket it was last in.
Did you verify that on the demo?
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Yes I just did. Reproducible on try instance.