Recurring task becomes completed

Hello all. I am brand new to Vikunja and I’m loving it so far but I am having issues with recurring tasks working the way I expect them to. Basically, when I create recurring tasks, for example a daily task I need to complete, I work it through my buckets until its Done. I would expect it to be completed and then the due date be set for tomorrow, the next recurring due date. Instead, it remains marked complete, the due date doesnt change so the next day, its as if I don’t need to complete that task as its marked done and the due date still says the previous day, even though it is a recurring task. Is there something more to know about recurring tasks or am I doing something wrong? Thanks in advance for any help.

The way you describe it is how it should work. How did you create the recurrence? Can you reproduce the behaviour on try?

I just create a task, add a due date and time and then add the recurrence I need, say daily for example. I have tried this with different recurrences, not adding a due date, recreating tasks, not moving them to a done bucket but it always works the same: the task is marked done, the due date remains the same. So the next date of expected recurrence, the task still is marked done, the due date is in the past and if I wasn’t aware of the task, I would miss it as a task I need to complete. Coming from Todoist, this is the only issue hanging me up to move completely to this system. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Here’s a screenshot of what I’m seeing for my Daily Tasks. I’ve completed them for today and when I come back to them tomorrow, they will still be marked done and due in the past, but you can see that they are recurring tasks.

Are you marking the task done on the task detail page or by dragging it into the done bucket?

Dragging to the done bucket.

Looks like that’s the bug. I’ll take a look.

Thanks for taking a look. I really appreciate it. Fantastic product! I’m really looking forward to using it as my daily todo list.

Thanks for the nice words!

The problem should be fixed with 04614614fe. Please check with the next unstable build (ready in ~1.5h to download or on try) if the problem really went away.

I will give it a shot as soon as its available. Thanks!

Seems to be working as expected now on Try. I’ll pull the unstable release later. Thanks again!

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Just piggybacking on this thread as I think it fits well in here or maybe not lets see :smiley:

I recently started using Vikunja for my tasks and I like it. It is great especially for keeping track of longer tasks or just tasks for some time in the future.

But I struggle with the recurring tasks. Looks like the thread owner has managed it. Because when I set a task to recurring, plus reminder, plus due date, it never moves to the done column when I finish it.

I can’t move it to the done column either.

I was almost convinced that this is not possible at the moment. But it looks like it works in the screenshot.

The behavior I expect:

I create a task e.g. Pay rent. I set repeat every 30 days from current date, I set due date in 30 days from today and I set remind when due.

Now when the task is due I would move it from Backlog to Todo and if I have time that day I would move it to In Progress.
As soon as I solved the task, I would check it as done in the overview or move it to done. But it just doesn’t move to the done column. I can’t drag it, it just stays in the In Progress column and the repetition time and due date is just reset to in 30 days.

I would expect the task to be in the done column at least for the day, and the next day it would automatically move to the backlog since that is the default column. Then in 30 days I get another reminder.

At least I would imagine it should work like that or Vikunja is currently not suitable for recurring tasks.

The behaviour of repeating tasks might change in the future to match more what you’re describing. It’s in the backlog but does not have a high priority currently.

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