Self Hosted / logging issues

Hi There!
The Vikunja app is looks like a very promising solution to help keep my team orgainized, but I am having some trouble getting started using the Self Host solution on Ubuntu & Postgres.

The App seems to work fine, but no information is being written to the path directive in the config.yml. I’m confident it is not a file system permission issue. Most options detailed in comments of the yml have been tried. I’d like to get the logging working, primarily to help identify issues connecting OPENID with the on-prem ADFS and know it is working properly.

I was able to recreate the issue on second server… installed w/ vikunja-0.24.4-amd64.deb

So you’re looking for logs?

Can you share your config?
Can you check if vikunja uses the config ?

It does use the config.yml file, but there was an improperly indented line. found with journalctl -u vikunja.service. It has been corrected and the log files are being created now. Thanks for the prompt reply!