Metrics endpoint returns "Not found" json response

Hi there, i’ve just tried to enable the metrics endpoint. Sadly it still just returns {"message":"Not Found"} & WEB ▶ ::1 GET 404 /metrics 43.324µs - curl/7.74.0 appears in the log.

I have read that Vikunja calculates with Redis (I however also read that you might drop Redis support), so I’ve enabled that too, but sadly still no luck. What might I be missing? :innocent:

Current config section:

  # If set to true, enables a /metrics endpoint for prometheus to collect metrics about Vikunja.
  enabled: true
  # If set to a non-empty value the /metrics endpoint will require this as a username via basic auth in combination with the password below.
  username: '' #prometheus
  # If set to a non-empty value the /metrics endpoint will require this as a password via basic auth in combination with the username below.
  password: '' #verysecurepassword

Installed using the .deb package.

Did you try /metrics or /api/v1/metrics? Because the metrics are only available at /api/v1/metrics.

Oooh that works, thank you! I have understood Metrics | Vikunja wrong then. :slight_smile:
(And perhaps i got tricked by the linebreak at Config options | Vikunja :stuck_out_tongue:)