Kanban bucket in task view

I’m looking for way to manage my personal projects and combo Vikunja + Tasks.org looks like something that maybe can meet my needs. I want to have the kanban board view and when I move the task from todo to in progress I want it to appear in tasks app. Then, when I mark task as done in tasks app, I need it to propagate to my board and move the task to done (and maybe the other way around, moving task in board should mark it as done in tasks app as well)

I’m not yet sure if I can have this setup with Vikunja - either with CalDAV integration or with n8n or similar tool. At this point I find the kanban in Vikunja to be quite confusing - when I create bucket and move task to it, there is no indication about it on task view or other views at all. Not sure if I get it right, but it looks like there is no information about kanban state in task. Is that true?

Same here. I wish the kanban bucket was visibile in the Gantt as well. I tried to implement that feature in my fork but unfortunately it only works if I activate the Kanban view first, then visit the gantt. But perhaps that could be a starting point for someone to implement it right

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Missing that feature, too. Shameless plug: You may want to vote for or comment on my suggestion to Allow to associate kanban buckets to labels

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So you only want tasks which are “in progress” to appear in Tasks.org?

That is my use case, but I can imagine other automations based on task status. Example could be sending messages on status update or setting status to “to release” if CI job reports success. I assume all of this could be possible only if status is visible on task. Or maybe there is other way to do this sort of actions I am not aware of?

This would be really cool, and it sounds like @tfry’s idea would work. If Kanban buckets drove labels, then you could have a Smart Filter in Tasks.org to only show you tasks with that label.

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