JavaScript error occurred installing Vikunja on Windows 11

I am trying to install Vikunja desktop app on my Windows 11 laptop, because the browser shortcut keeps logging out after reboot and that is annoying.

I get this error:

Welcome! :wave:

This is a bug that has already been fixed but not yet released as stable. Try an unstable build.

Thnank you for your welcome and also a big thank you for the great tool!

I now tried and that works (it startsup).

I have an Unraid installation with following environments (I blurred the private stats).

Whe I try to login in the Desktop app, I now stuck at the part where you put the API url (my instance is working on and whe I put that URL in the app I get: no API url config, please fill in another (sorry, I can only put one screenimage because I am new on this community)

What should be my API url?

Below are more screenshots

Hey there :wave:,

You probably need to add the port of the application to it. As an example, my local address is http://vikunja.server:3456/api/v1.

You need to open the port 3456 on your installation. If this is open, the desktop application should find the correct path on its own, else add :3456/api/v1 to the end of your domain.

Keep in mind to be careful if you make applications and API’s reachable over the internet. The API in this case is not fully open because you need to have a login, but nonetheless someone else could brute force your login. This probably won’t happen to you and I do not want to spread fear, but you never know, as said keep in mind and stay save. :pray::handshake:

I hope this helps! :blush:

The API is working:

But the desktop app does not recognise it:

Do you have cors enabled?

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Exactly! This would have been my next suggestion because I had the same thing on my local installation after I forgot to open the port. :smile:


When I try to login in the desktop app I see in the Unraid docker log:
2025-02-16T18:44:24+01:00: WEB :arrow_forward: GET 200 /info 650.912µs - Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) vikunja-desktop/v0.24.4 Chrome/122.0.6261.156 Electron/29.4.6 Safari/537.36
2025-02-16T18:44:24+01:00: WEB :arrow_forward: GET 200 /api/v1/info 2.186409ms - Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) vikunja-desktop/v0.24.4 Chrome/122.0.6261.156 Electron/29.4.6 Safari/537.36

But stil the message with the network error?

Perhaps it could be a problem with SSL and proxy if you have one…:thinking:

Can you try to log in via WebUI to be sure this does work or also not? :thinking:

I can login via WebUI without any problem!

If you only allow certain cors domains, you’ll also need to add http://localhost:45735 to the list of allowed domains, since that’s where the frontend runs if you’re using the desktop app.

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I deleted all the URL’s in the list of allowd domains and now it works, that was the problem.

Thank you for your patience…

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Don’t mention it, the community is there to help, but without the help of @kolaente it would not have been possible. :blush::handshake:

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