Issue using OpenID and CaddyV2

  • Using Caddy for the reverse Proxy (followed the example).
  • Using OpenID only authentication

The Auth redirect is working and I can login into my identity provider (Authentik)

The problem arises when I get redirected from my identity provider.

I have edited the real data

Vikunja url = vik.url

The URL is https://vik.url/auth/openid/vikunja?code=CODE_HERE&state=STATE_HERE

When I get redirected to this URL, I get a “DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN” error. Going to vik.url works just fine.

Anyone would know how to fix this issue?

Edit: caddy config

vik.url {
        reverse_proxy /api/* IP1:3456
        reverse_proxy /.well-known/* IP1:3456
        reverse_proxy /dav/* IP1:3456
        reverse_proxy IP2
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The error messae sounds like you misconfigured the redirect URL in authentik. Maybe a typo?

What Vikunja version is this?
Does it work with the latest unstable version?