I wanted to write some iOS friendly guides for Vikunja, and wanted to get feelers out on how the community uses their devices. I currently have shortcuts, widgets, and things stored in both Data Jar and Jayson to assist on getting data in where I need it. if anyone would like a shortcut for completing tasks, adding tasks, or getting data into Data Jar, please let me know.
I also have a custom widget via Scriptable that I use for tasks at home:
I personally was thinking about the shortcut that records an audio, sends this audio to OpenAI Whisper model for transcription, then does Chet-GPT post-processing to format it nicely and then uses Vicuña API to submit a new task into the default project.
But anyway, please share yours, anything is going to be useful.
any chance of a writeup of how you work with shortcuts and Vikunja? I take it you’d use the API or webhooks to do so, but would appreciate an explainer to get me started.
Hey all sorry about ghosting, been going through things in the personal life, here is an edited version of what I posted up top
// Variables used by Scriptable.
// These must be at the very top of the file. Do not edit.
// icon-color: deep-green; icon-glyph: home;
runsInWidget: true
//This script gets a list of tasks based off of the projectid and veiw id set on cons
// let time = importModule("UTC")
// let today = time
// console.log(today)
const url = 'https://VIK.URL/api/v1/projects/VIEW_NUM/views/PROJECT_NUM/tasks';
var test = url
var req = new Request(test);
req.method = 'GET';
req.headers ={
'Authorization': 'Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE'
//start of unpacking and wrapping the data.this currently pulls task name, id, and due date
var result = await req.loadJSON();
let w = new ListWidget();
// This pulls an image from the internet
// let imgReq = new Request("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dracula/wallpaper/master/first-collection/macos.png");
// let img = await imgReq.loadImage();
//This uses a local file, stored in iCloud.
let fm = FileManager.iCloud();
//for more on how to bookmark a file, check out the Scriptable docs
let dir = fm.bookmarkedPath("Kraken");
let img = fm.readImage(dir)
w.backgroundImage = img;
let font = new Font("Fira Code Regular", 12)
let tfont = new Font("Fira Code Regular", 15)
let top = w.addText("task \t\t\t due date")
top.color = new Color("44475a")
let table = new UITable()
let header = new UITableRow()
header.isHeader = true
nameOfCell = UITableCell.text("cell1")
nameOfCell.widthWeight = 50
nameOfCell2 = UITableCell.text("cell2")
nameOfCell2.widthWeight = 50
// Setting todays date for trxt color check below
var date = new Date();
// var dd = String(today.getDate()).padStart(2, '0');
// var mm = String(today.getMonth() + 1)//; //January is 0!
// var yyyy = today.getFullYear();
// today = mm + '/' + dd + '/' + yyyy;
let today = date.toLocaleDateString()
let list =[]
let task = result[0];
let result1 = task["title"]
for (i in result){
let title = result[i];
let final = title["title"]
//one-liner found from stack overflow to fix date output
let dueDate = title['due_date']
let date = new Date(dueDate).toLocaleDateString();
identify = title["id"]
console.log(final + '\t' + date);
let row = new UITableRow()
cell = UITableCell.text(final)
due = UITableCell.text(date)
// Adds title to list
// let w = new ListWidget();
// let str = JSON.stringify(list)
// let input = w.addText(final + "\t\t\t" + date);
// w.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 5)
// w.addSpacer(20)
// input.centerAlignText()
// color check for date
if(date > today){
let input = w.addText(final + "\t\t" + date + "🧛🏻♂️");
input.textColor = new Color("50fa7b");
input.font = font
}else if (date == today){
let input = w.addText(final + "\t\t" + date + "‼️");
input.textColor = new Color("ffb86c");
input.font = font
let input = w.addText(final + "\t\t" + date + "‼️🎃");
input.textColor = new Color("ff5555");
input.font = font
// for (each in result){
// console.log(i);
// let ip = i;
// let test = i["title"];
// console.log(test);//}
That one is a bit more complex, and it looks like I was utilizing a combination of shortcuts, a-Shell, Scriptable and Jayson. When I have more cycles to work on this i will definitely post it.