Help with caldav, email reminders and task attachments

Hello. Thanks for your suggestion.

First, I added a reminder for a task at 21:39 for 21:45 and here’s what I see :

2021-12-17T20:41:00.000621255Z: DEBUG	▶ models/getTasksWithRemindersInTheNextMinute 503 [Task Reminder Cron] Looking for reminders between 2021-12-17 21:41:00 +0100 CET and 2021-12-17 21:42:00 +0100 CET to send...,
2021-12-17T20:41:00.008003735Z: DEBUG	▶ models/getTasksWithRemindersInTheNextMinute 505 [Task Reminder Cron] Found 0 reminders

Happens the same at 21h45 reminder time :

2021-12-17T20:45:00.007050275Z: DEBUG	▶ models/getTasksWithRemindersInTheNextMinute 5f4 [Task Reminder Cron] Looking for reminders between 2021-12-17 21:45:00 +0100 CET and 2021-12-17 21:46:00 +0100 CET to send...,
2021-12-17T20:45:00.01006737Z: DEBUG	▶ models/getTasksWithRemindersInTheNextMinute 5f6 [Task Reminder Cron] Found 0 reminders

Edit: wait. I see it now. I’ve specified my TZ in my installation, so why is it 1h late ? And why didn’t I get a notification at 22:45 ?

Because all dates are saved as utc in the db. I plan to add something to fix this and allow people to set the time zone for reminders per user.

Very good question…

What is the content of the task_reminders table?

Thank you for your reply.

I’m away from my server for the holidays, I’ll get back to you as soon as I get home.

Happy holidays :slight_smile:

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Wow, it’s been a very busy couple of months. Sorry to be that late !
I hope you’re doing great. Happy new year :wink:

Sorry, how do I check that ?

Happy new year! :smile:

Log in to your database and run select * from task_reminders.

Meanwhile, we have implemented timezone support per user. With the latest unstable version, you can set the time zone in the user settings and the reminder emails will respect that. Does that fix the problem?

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The unstable version solved the problem. Thank’s a lot :slight_smile:

I can’t wait to see this in the stable version, as well as alphabetical order :heart_eyes:

Again, thank you.

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