Webhooks not working with Discord

When I insert my Discord Webhook and tick all the boxes. Nothing get’s sent through? And I get this error in the terminal:

{“message”: “Cannot send an empty message”, “code”: 50006}

From looking into this error for the discord api, looks like it may be an endpoint issue, for instance; the GitHub wehook must be appended with /github.

Also looking at the Docs for the discord webhook you may need to specify POST instead of GET, unsure exactly how it runs under the hood though

Misread the docs, as long as you didn’t set a token you should be able to use the Get webhook endpoint

Maybe it’s just not supported then? As I didn’t set any token or anything. I just added in a simple Discord webhook URL and then clicked all the boxes I wanted to been notified about.

Discord is not explicitly supported. You’ll need a layer (could be n8n or something custom) which translates between the two services.

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N8n is pretty awesome, @Octo uf you need any help building a workflow, I don’t specifically use discord, but can definitely help if you decide this is the route you want to take