Undone Tasks Overdue email works only at default time (9:00 AM)

Since I’m experimenting with the UndoneTasksOverdue function, I’ve either found a bug or it’s something on my side, or something i don’t understand.
Happens on both my modified 0.24.4 and the 0.24.1 installed from .deb
The server is running Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS, the system timezone is set to UTC and my user’s timezone is set to “Europe/Belgrade”, which is +2 actually.
What happens is that the UndoneTasks email works only when set at 9:00 in /etc/vikunja/config.yml. As soon as I change it to 8:00 or any other time, the notifications stop working. The only log entry I’ve got is:
2024-10-03T07:00:30Z: INFO :arrow_forward: 7ee Closed connection to mail server
which is what happens when the email is successfuly sent.

Where are you changing it? The setting for the overdue email should be changed in the user settings in the web ui.

Oh my… I didn’t even notice that option exists. I was changing the time in config.yml.
That solves it, thanks.